Same-Sex Attraction
If I’m faithful enough, will my same-sex attraction go away?

“If I’m faithful enough, will my same-sex attraction go away?” Same-Sex Attraction: Individuals (2020)

“If I’m faithful enough, will my same-sex attraction go away?” Same-Sex Attraction: Individuals

If I’m faithful enough, will my same-sex attraction go away?

The intensity of same-sex attraction is not a measure of your faithfulness. Many people pray for years and do all they can to be obedient in an effort to reduce same-sex attraction yet find they are still attracted to the same sex. Same-sex attraction is experienced along a spectrum of intensity and is not the same for everyone. Some are attracted to both genders, and others are attracted exclusively to the same gender. For some, feelings of same-sex attraction, or at least the intensity of those feelings, may diminish over time. In any case, a change in attraction should not be expected or demanded as an outcome by parents or leaders.

The intensity of your attractions may not be in your control; however, you can choose how to respond. Asking the Lord what you can learn from this experience can focus your faith on an outcome you can control. Turning your life over to God is an important act of faith that brings great blessings now and even greater blessings in the world to come.
