undefined undefined Step 2: Gather Critical Information
Resources for Leaders
Step 2: Gather Critical Information

“Step 2: Gather Critical Information,” Stake and Ward Preparedness (2018)

Step 2: Gather Critical Information

Compile and maintain the following information:

  • Contact data for all members and missionaries living within stake or ward boundaries.

  • A map of the area, including the locations of member and missionary residences and resource locations in the community. (Consider using maps.lds.org or LDS Tools to assist with this task.)

  • A list of members with special needs, such as the disabled and the elderly.

  • A list of members with equipment or skills (such as medical or emergency response training) that would be critical in a disaster.

  • Contact information for public safety agencies (such as police, fire, or medical).

  • Contact information for community organizations (such as the Red Cross or Red Crescent) that provide emergency services such as food, shelter, and medical care.

  • Contact information for area welfare leaders and, where available, local Church welfare operations.

Use the Critical Information worksheets and the Actions and Assignments worksheet to complete this step.