Temporal Preparedness Resources
Step 3: Outline Assignments and Procedures

“Step 3: Outline Assignments and Procedures,” Stake and Ward Preparedness (2018)

Step 3: Outline Assignments and Procedures

Plan how the council will organize and carry out each of the tasks listed below, identifying who will be responsible for each task and what procedures they will follow. Designate a primary and an alternate central location where council members will gather after an emergency to direct relief efforts.

Prior to a disaster:

  • Develop working relationships with civil authorities and other community relief organizations.

Immediately after a disaster:

  • Determine and report the condition of members and missionaries. Reports on member needs generally come from ministering brothers and sisters to the elders quorum and Relief Society leaders, who then report them to the bishop. Bishops, in turn, report them to the stake president.

  • Help to locate and reunite family members who have become separated.

  • Obtain medical care for those who have been injured or who have other health challenges.

  • Coordinate response efforts with civil authorities and community relief organizations.

  • Assess needs and arrange for the supply of basic provisions and services—such as food, temporary shelter, sanitation, and clothing—for members and others. Area welfare leaders and, where available, Church welfare operations can be called upon to assist with provisions and services.

  • Determine and report the condition of Church buildings and property.

In the period following a disaster:

  • Provide assistance to members who have suffered damage to homes or belongings, emotional trauma, or loss of livelihood.

  • Work with civil authorities and relief organizations to identify and respond to opportunities for the Church to assist with community needs.

Use the Critical Information worksheets and Actions and Assignments worksheet to complete this step.
