Are There Any Restrictions on Funeral or Burial Services for Someone Who Dies by Suicide?

“Are There Any Restrictions on Funeral or Burial Services for Someone Who Dies by Suicide?” Loss Survivors (2018).

“Are There Any Restrictions on Funeral or Burial Services?” Loss Survivors.

Are There Any Restrictions on Funeral or Burial Services for Someone Who Dies by Suicide?

When an individual dies by suicide, we should give the same respect to their body, and to the surviving family members, that we would to anyone else. General Handbook: Serving in The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints teaches: “Leaders should counsel and console the family members of a person who dies by suicide. The family, in consultation with the bishop, determines the place and nature of a funeral service for the person. Church facilities may be used. If the person had received the temple endowment, he or she may be buried in temple clothing” (General Handbook, 38.6.18).

President M. Russell Ballard was asked to speak at a funeral service for a friend who had died by suicide. He said: “Knowing the person and the circumstances as I did, and researching the doctrine on the subject, I had some difficult moments in preparing for my remarks. … Peace came to me only when I recognized that only the Lord could administer fair judgment. He alone had all the facts, and only He would know the intent of the heart of my friend. I was reconciled with the idea that a lifetime of goodness and service to others must surely be considered by the Lord in judging the life of a person” (“Suicide: Some Things We Know, and Some We Do Not,” Ensign, Oct. 1987, 7).

Church and Community Resources

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