Baptism Preparation
The Sacrament Reminds Us of Jesus Christ

“The Sacrament Reminds Us of Jesus Christ,” Friend, June 2019

The Sacrament Reminds Us of Jesus

coloring pictures of children with Jesus

Illustrations by Barbara Bongini

Before the sacrament, I can get ready by …

  • Dressing in my best clothes

  • Going to church

  • Singing a hymn

  • Listening to the sacrament prayers

During the sacrament, I can be reverent by thinking about …

  • What Jesus did for me

  • Ways I can follow Him during the week

  • Baptism promises

  • Stories about Jesus

After the sacrament, I can remember and follow Jesus all week long by …

  • Asking myself, “What would Jesus do?”

  • Being kind to others

  • Reading my scriptures
