Teacher Development Skills
Emphasize the example of Jesus Christ.

“Emphasize the example of Jesus Christ,” Teacher Development Skills: Focus on Jesus Christ (2022)

“Emphasize the example of Jesus Christ,” Teacher Development Skills: Focus on Jesus Christ

Focus on Jesus Christ: Teach about Jesus Christ No Matter What You Are Teaching

Emphasize the example of Jesus Christ.


Help students connect what they are learning with how Christ exemplifies the principle.


Helping students place Jesus Christ at the center of their learning will help them have a more personal and powerful learning experience. One way we can do this is by helping students connect what they are learning to the life and example of Jesus Christ. You can do this by using connecting questions throughout a lesson. These questions help students to connect the life and example of Jesus Christ to

  • details of a scripture story,

  • principles in the scriptures, and

  • experiences in their own lives.

The models and practices below are general examples. Training will be more effective if models and practice opportunities are connected to the next lessons that will be covered in the curriculum.


Here are a few examples of how you might help students connect with the life and example of Jesus Christ:

  • After reading a scripture story and discussing the details, you could ask, “What in this story reminds you of the life and example of Jesus Christ?”

  • After identifying a principle, you could ask, “Where in the scriptures did Jesus exemplify this principle?”

  • After analyzing a principle, you could ask, “When have you seen Jesus exemplify this principle in your life or on your behalf?”

  • When discussing application of a principle, you could ask, “What from Jesus’s example helps you live this principle more fully?”

  • You could also ask, “How would living this principle help you follow the example of Jesus Christ and become more like Him?”

Click here to see a video of this model.


Use one or more of the following practices to improve your ability to help students connect with the life and example of Jesus Christ:

  • Consider the principle: “If we are obedient, despite trials, then God will help us.” In your preparation, practice connecting this principle to one or two examples of Jesus’s life in the scriptures.

  • Look at an upcoming lesson plan. Select a principle you are planning to help students identify. Practice writing two or three simple questions to help students connect that principle to the example of Jesus Christ.

  • Find a place in an upcoming lesson plan where you will focus on application. Practice writing two or three invitations that help students consider how the example of Jesus Christ could help them apply a principle.

Discuss or Ponder

Ponder what you have learned from this experience. Perhaps you could record some of these thoughts in a study journal. Consider the following questions:

  • What have I done previously to connect what students are learning in the scriptures to the life and example of Jesus Christ?

  • What have I learned from this experience that could improve my ability to help students make these connections to Jesus Christ?

  • What will I do to continue to improve?


  • Incorporate what you have practiced to help students connect what they are learning to Jesus Christ and emphasize His example. During the next week, choose one principle in each lesson that you will use to help students connect what they are learning to Jesus Christ and His example.

Want More?

  • Neil L. Andersen, “We Talk of Christ,” Ensign or Liahona, Nov. 2020, 88–91

  • Section 3.1, “Unit 3: Teach the One,” Inservice Leaders’ Resources


Use pictures and videos of Jesus Christ to illustrate a gospel principle.

video packet and ipad


One way to emphasize the example of Jesus Christ is through media. For example, after a gospel principle has been identified, the teacher can invite students to turn to the Videos and Images collection of the Gospel Library and find a video or picture that demonstrates how Jesus Christ is an example of that principle. The invitation includes where to look (Gospel Library, in the classroom, Google, and so on), and what to look for (a picture or video of how Jesus Christ exemplified the principle). These invitations can help students focus on Jesus Christ and provide opportunities for the Holy Ghost to testify of Him.

The models and practices below are general examples. Training will be more effective if models and practice opportunities are connected to the next lessons that will be covered in the curriculum.


  • During a lesson involving Ether 12:27, the principle of humility is identified. Sister Gomez gives the following invitation: “In the Gospel Library under Videos and Images, will you find a picture that shows how Jesus Christ demonstrates humility?”

  • When focusing on the grace of Jesus Christ, Brother Santos asks: “Will you find a picture of Jesus Christ on your phones that exemplifies His grace as we have discussed today?”

Click here to see a video of this model.


Write down an invitation for students to find a picture or video of Jesus Christ exemplifying the following principles:

  • If we pray always, Heavenly Father will consecrate our effort for the welfare of our souls.

  • Jesus Christ is filled with compassion toward me.

  • A moment in your next lesson where you can have students find a picture or video of how Jesus Christ exemplifies the principle.

Discuss and Ponder

  • What are you learning as you practice this skill?

  • What benefits will come by having students find a picture or video of Jesus Christ exemplifying the principle?


  • How will you continue to incorporate this skill in future lesson plans?

Want More?

  • 1 Nephi 11:7–33 (to help him understand the Savior’s mission, Nephi is shown scenes from the Savior’s life)
