Teacher Development Skills
Invite learners to live what they are learning.

“Invite learners to live what they are learning,” Teacher Development Skills: Invite Diligent Learning (2023)

“Invite learners to live what they are learning,” Teacher Development Skills: Invite Diligent Learning

Invite learners to live what they are learning.


Plan to follow up on invitations given in a previous class and invite learners to share their experiences living what they learned.

woman preparing lesson


As you prepare invitations for students to apply what they are learning, you can also plan to follow up. These follow-up moments can come at the beginning of subsequent classes, through out-of-class communications, during devotionals, or among peers. To plan follow-up moments, you can ask yourself:

  1. What invitation can I give that will allow students to share their experiences living a truth they learned in a previous class?

  2. When will be a good time to follow up?

Asking these questions invites the Holy Ghost to guide you as you plan to follow up. Planning to follow up with students will help them feel accountable and want to fulfill their commitments, which can help lead to conversion to Jesus Christ.


  • As Brother Dalton prayerfully prepares the next learning experience for his students, he asks himself, “What invitation can I give that will allow students to share their experience living a truth they learned in a previous class? When will be a good time in the next class to follow up?” The thought comes to him to give the students time at the beginning of the next class to write in their journals about their efforts to act on a truth they learned in the last lesson.


Practice asking the following as you prepare your upcoming lessons:

  1. What invitation can I give that will allow students to share their experiences living the truths they learned in a previous class?

  2. When will be a good time to follow up?

Discuss or Ponder

  • How will consistently following up deepen the conversion of the young people you teach?

  • What are some ways the Holy Ghost has already inspired you to help learners share their experiences living what they have learned?

  • How could you create a culture of students sharing their efforts to live the gospel throughout the course of a term?


As part of your lesson preparation, establish a time to ask these questions:

  • “What invitation can I give that will allow students to share their experiences living the truths they learned in a previous class?”

  • “When will be a good time to follow up?”

Want More?

  • M. Russell Ballard, “Following Up,” Ensign or Liahona, May 2014, 78–81.
