Teacher Development Skills
Find appropriate ways to express your love.

“Find appropriate ways to express your love,” Teacher Development Skills: Love Those You Teach (2023)

“Find appropriate ways to express your love,” Teacher Development Skills: Love Those You Teach

Find appropriate ways to express your love.


Send a message to a student’s parent about something positive you have noticed about their child.

woman writing


A powerful way to express your love for a student is by sending a positive message to a parent or guardian about something specific you have noticed about that student. The message will be more effective if you:

  1. Pray for guidance about which student you should focus on and what you should share with the parent or guardian.

  2. Briefly introduce yourself to start the message.

  3. Sincerely express gratitude for the opportunity to have the student in class.

  4. Clearly and simply state something positive and specific that you have observed.

As you sincerely and prayerfully communicate positive observations with parents, the student will feel your love in powerful ways.


Brother Camargo loves his students and genuinely wants to communicate that love in appropriate ways. He prays to know who he could share a positive message about to a parent and feels inspired to write to Jackson’s parents. He notices that he never has to ask Jackson to get his scriptures and that Jackson is always willing to help. Brother Camargo sends an email that says:

  • Dear Brother and Sister Duvall,

  • My name is Brother Camargo, and I am Jackson’s seminary teacher. I am so grateful to have him in my class. I just wanted to let you know that Jackson always has his scriptures out and is willing to help with anything I need. Thank you for all you are doing to help and support him.

  • Sincerely,

  • Brother Camargo


Write a positive message to a parent for the following situations:

  1. Susan seems distant in class, and you want to express your love to her. As you are praying about it, you notice that she voluntarily helps a student who struggles to find scriptures.

  2. Think about one of your students who consistently strengthens your class. Prayerfully consider and tell the student something you’ve observed about him or her.

Discuss or Ponder

  • What impact could this have on individual students and their relationship with the Savior over time? How could it affect student engagement or sense of belonging in class?

  • Consider a time someone’s expression of love or gratitude strengthened your relationship with the Savior.


  • Start with selecting one or two students a day you feel impressed to use this skill with. Continue this until it becomes natural and as long as the Spirit directs.

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