Additional Helps for Teacher Development
Skill: Create application questions

“Skill: Create application questions,” Teacher Support and Training Resources (2024)

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Skill: Create application questions.

youth in seminary

What is my initial understanding or ability? (Assessment)

Create a question that invites students to keep the Sabbath day holy.

What is it and why is it important? (Define):

Preparing an application question to ask students can help them think, speak, and live according to the principles they have learned. This type of question should be asked after students understand the principle. It includes finding ways for students to think about how they will change, live, or do something differently because of the truth they learned or examined.

Who or what provides a good illustration of this? (Model):

Sister Olson is preparing a lesson on keeping the Sabbath Day holy. After deciding how she will help students understand this principle, she thinks about what she can ask to help students change, live, or do something differently. She writes down the following question:

  • What changes would you need to make to better keep the Sabbath day holy?

How can I practice using this skill or applying this principle? (Practice):

Create application questions for the following principles:

  • Forgiveness

  • A principle in the next lesson you will teach

Ponder or discuss:

  • What are you learning as you practice creating application questions?

  • A teacher that effectively asks application questions helps students …

How and when will I incorporate this?

Create a plan for how you will prepare application questions for your upcoming lessons.
