Additional Helps for Teacher Development
Skill: Invite students to read the words of ancient and modern prophets and identify blessings they desire or could receive through scripture study

“Skill: Invite students to read the words of ancient and modern prophets and identify blessings they desire or could receive through scripture study,” Teacher Support and Training Resources (2024)

Scripture Study Goals

Skill: Invite students to read the words of ancient and modern prophets and identify blessings they desire or could receive through scripture study.

young woman studying

What is my initial understanding or ability? (Assessment):

  • What are some blessings you can think of that prophets, ancient or modern, have promised can come when we study the scriptures?

  • What difference do you think it would make for your students if they understood those promises?

What is it and why is it important? (Define):

Through His prophets, the Lord has repeatedly taught the importance of studying His word. Helping students identify promised blessings they would like to have, whether given by ancient or modern prophets, can help them have a greater desire to study the scriptures.

One effective way to do so is to have students read a scripture or statement from a prophet and invite them to identify blessings they desire.

Who or what provides a good illustration of this? (Model):

Brother Davenport invites his students to read the quote below from Elder Richard G. Scott and asks them to consider the following questions as they do so.

  • Which blessings of scripture study indicated by Elder Scott are you most in need of every day?

  • How do you think daily scripture study will affect your relationship with Jesus Christ?

“Pondering a passage of scripture can be a key to unlock revelation and the guidance and inspiration of the Holy Ghost. Scriptures can calm an agitated soul, giving peace, hope, and a restoration of confidence in one’s ability to overcome the challenges of life. They have potent power to heal emotional challenges when there is faith in the Savior. They can accelerate physical healing” (“The Power of Scripture,” Ensign or Liahona, Nov. 2011, 6).

How can I practice using this skill or applying this principle? (Practice):

Write at least two questions you could ask that can help your students consider the blessings of scripture study promised by President Nelson in the following quote:

“Daily immersion in the word of God is crucial for spiritual survival, especially in these days of increasing upheaval. As we feast on the words of Christ daily, the words of Christ will tell us how to respond to difficulties we never thought we would face” (“Hear Him,” April 2020).

Ponder or discuss:

  • What are you learning that will assist you in helping your students increase their desire to study the scriptures?

How and when will I incorporate this?

This coming week, please choose at least one prophetic statement or scripture passage you will use to help your students identify some of the blessings of scripture study and create at least one question you will ask to help your students establish their own purpose for daily study.

Want More?

Scriptures, Study of” in the topical Guide,

Teachings of Latter-day Prophets on the Blessings of Scripture Study (1997)
