Seminaries and Institutes Callings
Message from the First Presidency

“Message from the First Presidency,” Teaching in the Savior’s Way: For All Who Teach in the Home and in the Church (2022)

“Message from the First Presidency,” Teaching in the Savior’s Way


Message from the First Presidency

Beloved brothers and sisters,

What a glorious opportunity you have to teach the gospel of Jesus Christ! Whether or not you have a specific calling to teach, you are a teacher. As a disciple of the Master Teacher, Jesus Christ, you have opportunities to share His light wherever you go—in the home, at church, as you minister to others, and among your friends. To teach the gospel is a sacred trust. It is an essential part of the Lord’s work, and it works best when we do it in His way.

We invite you to learn more about Jesus Christ and how He taught the gospel. Prayerfully study His words, His actions, and His attributes, and strive to follow Him more closely. Teaching in the Savior’s Way can be your guide.

The First Presidency