Teachings of Presidents
List of Visuals

List of Visuals

  • Cover: Background © Artbeats

  • Cover: Photo of Ezra Taft Benson © Busath.com

  • Page 36: Detail from Christ and the Rich Young Ruler, by Heinrich Hofmann. Courtesy C. Harrison Conroy Co., Inc.

  • Page 40: Ancient Examples/Modern Promises, by Jeff Ward

  • Page 58: The Premortal Christ, by Robert T. Barrett

  • Page 81: Alma Seeks Repentance, by Robert T. Barrett

  • Page 85: Detail from He Is Risen, by Del Parson

  • Page 90: Detail from Christ and Mary at the Tomb, by Joseph Brickey

  • Page 93: “Peace I Leave with You” (John 14:27), by Walter Rane

  • Page 98: Christ Calling Peter and Andrew, by Harry Anderson

  • Page 102: Joseph Smith’s First Vision, by Greg K. Olsen

  • Page 107: Joseph Smith Receiving the Plates, by Kenneth Riley

  • Page 126: Brother Joseph, by David Lindsley

  • Page 130: The Bible and Book of Mormon Testify of Christ, by Greg K. Olsen

  • Page 136: Moroni Delivers the Gold Plates to Joseph on Hill Cumorah, by Lewis A. Ramsey

  • Page 230: Detail from Christ’s Image, by Heinrich Hofmann. Courtesy C. Harrison Conroy Co., Inc.

  • Page 234: Abinadi Appearing before King Noah, by Arnold Friberg

  • Page 248: These Twelve Jesus Sent Forth, by Walter Rane

  • Page 252: Lost No More, by Greg K. Olsen

  • Page 296: Gentle Healer, by Greg K. Olsen

  • Page 301: Feed My Sheep, by Kamille Corry
