“Introduction to The Eternal Family Teacher Material (Religion 200),” The Eternal Family Teacher Material (2022)
“Introduction,” The Eternal Family Teacher Material
Introduction to The Eternal Family Teacher Material (Religion 200)
Welcome to The Eternal Family course! Thank you for accepting the opportunity to help young adults come unto Jesus Christ through a study of the doctrine of the family in Heavenly Father’s plan. This curriculum is designed to help you foster Christ-centered and learner-focused experiences for your students that lead them toward deeper conversion to the Savior.
What are the intended outcomes of this course?
The Objective of Seminaries and Institutes of Religion states:
Our purpose is to help youth and young adults understand and rely on the teachings and Atonement of Jesus Christ, qualify for the blessings of the temple, and prepare themselves, their families, and others for eternal life with their Father in Heaven. (Gospel Teaching and Learning: A Handbook for Teachers and Leaders in Seminaries and Institutes of Religion [2012], 1)
In fulfilling the Objective of Seminaries and Institutes of Religion, this course is designed to help students
explain the central role of the family in Heavenly Father’s plan of salvation,
analyze family-related questions and matters with an eternal perspective,
act with faith in Jesus Christ when addressing personal and family challenges and societal pressures,
apply teachings of Jesus Christ in their efforts to make and keep sacred covenants and to strengthen family relationships, and
increase their capacity to fulfill sacred responsibilities in family life and become more like Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ.
How is this manual structured?
The contents of this manual are designed to help students have meaningful, edifying experiences both outside and inside the classroom. Each lesson is composed of class preparation material and teacher material. These materials are designed to help students thoughtfully prepare, engage in deeper learning, and act in ways that help them become more like Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ.
Elder Kim B. Clark, formerly of the Seventy, taught what a student (and a teacher) must do to learn deeply:
If you really desire to learn deeply, if your heart and your mind are open to learning, and if you act on that desire, the Lord will bless you. When you do your part—pray in faith, prepare, study, engage actively, and do your very best—the Holy Ghost will teach you, magnify your capacity to act on what you learn, and help you become what the Lord wants you to become. (“Learning for the Whole Soul,” Ensign, Aug. 2017, 27)
Class Preparation Material
The class preparation material is intended to be studied by both you and your students in preparation for class. It includes teachings from the scriptures and Church leaders as well as a “Want More?” section that provides additional resources related to the lesson topic.
The class preparation material also contains questions and activities that will help students deepen their learning and be better prepared to participate in class. For example, in the class preparation material for lesson 10, “The New and Everlasting Covenant of Marriage,” students are given the opportunity to study teachings from the scriptures and Church leaders about the covenant of eternal marriage and the sealing ordinance. Students are then invited to do the following activity:
Teacher Material
Each lesson is designed for a 50-minute class period. For classes that meet once a week for 90 or more minutes, you are encouraged to combine two lessons.
In the introduction of the teacher material for each lesson, you will find a description of the lesson’s intended outcomes. This introduction is followed by suggested teaching ideas that provide lesson structure, content, discussion helps, and application ideas.
As you study the teacher material, pay attention to how it draws on students’ preparation. The following instruction from lesson 10 is an example:
By consistently drawing on students’ preparation, you will help them feel the importance of preparing for every class and help them to learn deeply.
Ponder in Preparation to Teach This Course
Similar to what you and your students will do before class, take some time to ponder as you prepare to teach this course. First look through a lesson or two to become familiar with the class preparation and teacher materials. Notice how these materials are designed to be used together as you prepare to teach. Then ponder the following questions: What are some ways I might encourage students to study the preparation material for each lesson? What can I do to include students in class who may not have studied the preparation material?
Note: When students have prepared for class discussions, you will find that you can move more quickly in class to deep, meaningful discussions of the doctrine and principles related to the eternal family. This should allow for more time in class to explore how you and your students can apply the truths they have identified in the lessons.
How can I effectively prepare to teach?
Heavenly Father will assist you as you prepare and teach His children. Your efforts to diligently study the scriptures and live the gospel will help you qualify for the guidance of the Spirit in your preparation to teach.
As you study the class preparation and teacher materials for each lesson, pray for the Lord’s help to understand your students’ needs. Elder Jeffrey R. Holland of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles taught:
Stay open—stay open to the Spirit, especially. Leave some wiggle room in your lesson plan. If you need to shorten a lesson a little in order to bear your testimony and stimulate a discussion on a contemporary issue, please do so when the Spirit prompts and dictates that it is appropriate. …
… Remember that a student is not a container to be filled; a student is a fire to be ignited. (“Angels and Astonishment” [address given at the Church Educational System training broadcast, June 12, 2019], broadcasts.ChurchofJesusChrist.org)
Especially if you are combining two lessons for a class period, consider your students’ needs, and seek direction from the Spirit. Doing these things can help you determine which portions of the teacher material to use as they are written and which portions to adapt to provide more meaningful learning experiences for your students. This can include determining which portions of the teacher material to emphasize and which to summarize.
You may find it helpful to ask yourself some of the following questions as part of your preparation to teach each lesson:
Have I prayed to receive the guidance of the Holy Ghost and to understand my students’ needs? How can I determine what lesson content is most relevant to them? How can I convey my love for them?
Do I feel sufficiently grounded in the class preparation material, including the scriptures, and in the teacher material? Is there anything I need to adapt to meet the needs of my students?
How can I help my students focus on the Savior and learn from the Holy Ghost in this lesson?
How can I invite diligent learning and help students fully engage in the lesson? How can I make sure they have the space they need to make personal plans to apply what they are learning?
How can I create a learning environment where students feel a sense of belonging? How can I help them feel valued, accepted, and safe to share and learn from one another? (See Doctrine and Covenants 88:78, 122.)
How can I adapt lessons for those with disabilities?
As you prepare to teach, be mindful of students who have particular needs. Adjust activities and expectations to include them and help them succeed. For more information, consult the resources on the Disabilities page at disabilities.ChurchofJesusChrist.org.
How do students receive credit for this course?
To receive credit toward institute graduation, students are required to
study the preparation material for at least 75 percent of the lessons,
attend 75 percent of the classes held, and
complete one of four learning experiences:
Keep a study journal.
Record responses to all of the questions and activities in the preparation material (note that students do not need to submit their study journal or responses to you; at the end of the semester, they simply need to show you what they completed).
Write responses to three essay questions.
Design and complete a learning project (with teacher approval) of their own that is related to the content of the course. (Find more details on the Institute Elevate Learning Experiences page at ChurchofJesusChrist.org.)
Record Your Thoughts
Consider the kind of experience you hope your students will have in this course. List a few of your thoughts or impressions about how you plan to help them have a meaningful learning experience.