“Lesson 14 Teacher Material: Addressing Pornography Use,” The Eternal Family Teacher Material (2022)
“Lesson 14 Teacher Material,” The Eternal Family Teacher Material
Lesson 14 Teacher Material
Addressing Pornography Use
Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ can help protect us against the pervasive influence of pornography. In this lesson, students will be invited to determine what they can do to receive this divine help. Students will also consider how they can seek the Lord’s power to heal from the effects of pornography use.
Suggestions for Teaching
Understanding our divine identity and purpose helps us to resist pornography.
Improving Our Teaching and Learning
Maintain a positive and hopeful tone in the lesson. The tone in which you and your students discuss gospel teachings can influence other students’ attitudes and learning experience. It is important to discuss topics such as pornography in a way that acknowledges its seriousness without fostering shame. The tone of the lesson can help those whose lives have been negatively affected by pornography to feel hope in the healing power of Jesus Christ.
Display the following statement and question, and invite students to respond:
Pornography use is increasing. What reasons do some people give for justifying the use of pornography?
(Students may suggest some of the following: It’s a habit; I can’t help it; it doesn’t hurt anyone else; it’s natural; it’s just entertainment; some studies suggest it’s helpful for sexual development and intimate relationships.)
What has the Lord taught regarding resisting pornography? (You may want to refer students to the teachings in section 1 of the preparation material. As part of the discussion, you might invite a student to read aloud Matthew 5:28 or Doctrine and Covenants 63:16.)
What harmful effects can pornography have on those who use it and on their families?
Display the following statement made by Elder Tad R. Callister while he was serving in the Presidency of the Seventy:
At a recent training session for General Authorities, the question was asked: “How can we help those struggling with pornography?”
Elder Russell M. Nelson stood and replied, “Teach them their identity and their purpose.” (“Our Identity and Our Destiny” [Brigham Young University Education Week devotional, Aug. 14, 2012], speeches.byu.edu)
Write the following truth on the board: Understanding our divine identity and purpose can help us resist using pornography.
How can understanding our own and others’ divine identity and purpose help us resist using pornography? What can we do to better understand our identity and purpose?
What other principles, practices, or resources have helped you protect yourself from pornography? (As part of this discussion, consider inviting students to draw upon what they learned from section 2 of the preparation material.)
Jesus Christ can heal individuals from the effects of pornography.
If possible, display the picture of the woman with the issue of blood reaching out to the Savior, found in section 3 of the preparation material. Invite a student to retell this woman’s experience as recorded in Luke 8:43–48.
If you were in this woman’s situation, how would you feel after your many years of struggling?
What can those who are seeking to be healed from the effects of pornography learn from this woman’s example? (Students may identify a principle similar to the following: As we diligently reach toward the Lord in faith, He can help us heal from the effects of pornography use.)
Why is it essential to reach toward Jesus Christ in our efforts to overcome pornography use or the hurt caused by someone else’s use of pornography?
Consider inviting a student to read aloud the statement by President Russell M. Nelson found in section 3 of the preparation material.
What difference does it make when a person is willing to do whatever is necessary to be healed by the Lord?
You might explain that we can seek to patiently help others who are dealing with the effects of pornography and view their journey in Christlike ways. Read together the following statement by President Dallin H. Oaks of the First Presidency:
Now a word regarding how we treat those who have been ensnared by pornography. All of us need the Atonement of Jesus Christ. Those struggling with pornography need our compassion and love as they follow needed principles and steps of recovery. Please do not condemn them. They are not evil or without hope. They are sons and daughters of our Heavenly Father. Through proper and complete repentance, they may become clean, pure, and worthy of every covenant and temple blessing promised by God. (“Recovering from the Trap of Pornography,” Ensign, Oct. 2015, 37)
Arrange students into small groups. Select a leader for each group, and give each leader a copy of the following handout. Instruct students to follow the directions on the handout.
Helping Someone Heal from the Effects of Pornography
The Eternal Family Teacher Material—Lesson 14
Review together the following scenarios, and select one to discuss:
A roommate confides that they just viewed pornography for the first time.
A friend’s boyfriend told her last night that he is struggling with pornography use.
A friend views pornography regularly and has tried to quit on her own many times but has not succeeded, despite feeling that she has done almost everything she can to quit.
A friend shares with you that her husband struggles with pornography and she doesn’t know how to help him. It is harming their marriage and she feels devastated.
Discuss the following questions:
Imagine that this person comes to you for help. Using what you learned from studying the preparation material and the “Want More?” section, what counsel would you give this person?
How could this person access the Lord’s help in this circumstance?
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Helping Someone Heal from the Effects of Pornography
After sufficient time, invite one or two students to share what they learned or felt during their group discussion.
Consider giving students time to reflect on and record their responses to one of the following questions:
What can I do to reach for the Lord’s power of protection from pornography and receive His help to heal from its effects?
How can I lovingly help someone who is struggling from the effects of pornography?
Conclude the lesson by assuring students of the truthfulness of the principles identified in the lesson.
For Next Time
You might show students the discussion activity at the end of section 1 of the preparation material for the next lesson and encourage them to begin thinking about who they might talk with for this activity.