Lesson 15 Teacher Material: The Commandment to Multiply and Replenish the Earth

“Lesson 15 Teacher Material: The Commandment to Multiply and Replenish the Earth,” The Eternal Family Teacher Material (2022)

“Lesson 15 Teacher Material,” The Eternal Family Teacher Material

Lesson 15 Teacher Material

The Commandment to Multiply and Replenish the Earth

Prophets have declared that Heavenly Father’s commandment to multiply and replenish the earth remains in force today. In this lesson, students will discuss the importance and joy of having children. They will also discuss how to make faith-based decisions about when to have children and how many children to have. Students will have the opportunity to evaluate their faith in God and their alignment with His will regarding this commandment.

Note: Prior to class, consider inviting students to submit questions they have about the topic of this lesson via text, email, an online survey, or another method. Use students’ questions and the guidance of the Spirit to determine what to focus on most in this lesson. Consider ways that you can bring students’ questions into their learning experience. For example, you might be able to replace some of the questions used in the group discussion (see the handout below) with similar questions submitted by your students.

Suggestions for Teaching

God’s commandment to multiply and replenish the earth remains in force.

Consider displaying a picture of an infant. Ask students to say one word someone might use to describe how people feel about babies, and list the words students mention on the board. (Or, for an added challenge, consider inviting students to write as many descriptive words as they can in 30 seconds and then ask a few students to share their lists with the class.) Invite some students to share the thoughts behind the words they mention.

  • What priorities do some married couples put ahead of having children? (If needed, consider inviting a student to read aloud the first statement by Elder Neil L. Andersen in section 1 of the preparation material.)

Read Genesis 1:27–28 together, and invite students to consider marking the first commandment Heavenly Father gave to Adam and Eve. Then read together the fourth paragraph of “The Family: A Proclamation to the World” (, and note how this first commandment applies to us today.

  • How would you explain the purposes that are fulfilled in Heavenly Father’s plan by husbands and wives having children? (If needed, invite students to review the second statement by Elder Andersen and the statement by President M. Russell Ballard in section 1 of the preparation material. As part of the discussion, emphasize the following truth: When a husband and wife bring a child into the world, they are fulfilling part of Heavenly Father’s plan of happiness.)

You might remind students of the discussion they were invited to have with someone who has children (see section 1 of the preparation material). Ask a few students to share what they learned. (You may want to contact one or two students a few days before class to invite them to come prepared to share their thoughts in class.)

Arrange students into small groups and designate a leader for each group. Provide each group with a copy of the following handout, and invite students to follow the instructions on the handout.

Making Faith-Based Decisions about Having Children

The Eternal Family Teacher Material—Lesson 15

Read the following concerns that have been expressed by some young adults:

  1. With our last pregnancy, I experienced some medical complications that could happen again with another pregnancy. So my husband and I decided to stop having children. I feel guilty because we have only two children but all of my siblings have bigger families.

  2. My wife and I plan to eventually have children, but we want to travel and have some other experiences before we do. Is it OK to wait?

  3. My husband and I want to start having children. We just don’t know if we are ready. We don’t feel financially stable right now. How will we know when it is the right time?

Select one of these concerns to focus on as a group, and discuss the questions that follow:

  • In what ways is this concern valid?

  • How could you use what you learned from section 2 of the preparation material to help someone with this concern?

  • What other accounts from the scriptures or teachings from Church leaders could help someone with this concern in his or her efforts to move forward with faith in God?

Making Faith-Based Decisions about Having Children

teacher handout

After sufficient time, invite one or two students to share what they learned from their group discussion. If students do not mention it, remind them of the counsel given in Alma 37:37, and display the following principle: As husbands and wives counsel with the Lord and exercise faith in Him, He will guide them in their decisions about having children.

Consider inviting students to ask questions they have about the commandment to have children. (You may have gathered some of the students’ questions prior to class that you can highlight and discuss here.) You could also select any of the following questions that you feel would help your students deepen their understanding of this topic and discuss them as a class:

  • Why is it important for husbands and wives to counsel with Heavenly Father regarding when to have children and how many children to have?

  • In what ways have you seen people you know move forward in faith when they discovered they could not have children (or have as many children as they desired)?

  • Why is it important that we not judge others in their decisions regarding when to have children and how many children to have?

You might display the following questions and give students time to record their thoughts about one or two of their choice:

  • What are my personal beliefs and feelings about having children?

  • What changes, if any, might I need to make to align my will more fully with the Lord’s perspective regarding having children?

  • How can I defend the importance of having children?

  • How can I increase my trust that the Lord will support my spouse and me in fulfilling the commandment to have children in accordance with His will?

Consider inviting a few students who are comfortable doing so to share what they recorded.

The Lord has affirmed the sanctity of life.

Invite a student to read aloud the statement from the family proclamation at the beginning of section 3 of the preparation material.

  • What does this statement teach us about our Heavenly Father and what He wants for His children? (You might encourage students to consider how knowing these truths affects their desires for their own children.)

Remind students that this declaration from the family proclamation counters some practices that are widely accepted today, such as abortion.

  • How could you use what you know about God’s plan to explain why “elective abortion for personal or social convenience” is contrary to God’s will? (General Handbook: Serving in The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, 38.6.1,

Invite students to consider what they can do to promote and protect the sacredness of human life.

As a review and additional witness of what students discussed in this lesson, consider showing the video “Having Children in Faith” (2:25).

You might conclude by sharing your testimony of the truths students identified in this lesson.

For Next Time

Ask students to ponder the following question: What teachings of Jesus Christ have brought you the most joy in your life so far?

Encourage students to study the preparation material for the next class with this question in mind.
