“Lesson 6 Teacher Material: Marriage between a Man and a Woman Is Ordained of God,” The Eternal Family Teacher Material (2022)
“Lesson 6 Teacher Material,” The Eternal Family Teacher Material
Lesson 6 Teacher Material
Marriage between a Man and a Woman Is Ordained of God
Prophets, apostles, and other Church leaders solemnly proclaim that “marriage between a man and a woman is ordained of God” (“The Family: A Proclamation to the World,” ChurchofJesusChrist.org). In this lesson, students will be invited to explain why marriage is an essential part of God’s plan. Students will also determine what they can do to exercise faith in Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ in their approach toward marriage.
Suggestions for Teaching
Marriage between a man and a woman is a necessary step toward becoming like God.
To begin the class, you might ask students what beliefs people in society have about marriage. Or you might use the following scenario:
A good friend says to you, “I don’t understand why some people are so concerned with marriage. It’s just a social custom with a piece of paper. Why can’t two people who love each other just make their own arrangement?”
What are some ways you might respond to these ideas?
Briefly summarize the context for Doctrine and Covenants 49. Ask a student to read Doctrine and Covenants 49:15–16 aloud. Invite the class to follow along, looking for how the Lord views marriage.
Write the following doctrine from the family proclamation on the board: “Marriage between a man and a woman is ordained of God … [and] is essential to His eternal plan” (“The Family: A Proclamation to the World”).
How would you explain why marriage between a man and a woman is ordained of God and essential to His eternal plan? (If needed, refer to the explanations of this doctrine in section 1 of the preparation material.)
Acknowledge that some people who desire marriage may not have the opportunity to marry in this life. Others may experience a marriage that doesn’t last.
What would you share with those who feel like their opportunities for happiness and eternal life have been forfeited because they are not married? (If needed, invite students to review section 2 of the preparation material.)
Provide students with time to record their impressions about the following question:
What thoughts and feelings do you have as you ponder the truth that marriage is an essential part of God’s eternal plan for you personally?
Drawing on your own experience, you might testify of the impact the Lord’s doctrine of marriage has had on you.
Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ can help us overcome fear and find happiness in our marriages.
Display the following statement: I believe that my marriage will be loving and long-lasting. Invite students to silently rank themselves on a scale from 1 to 4 (1=disagree; 4=agree) to show the degree to which they personally believe this statement. Invite students to reflect on why they feel as they do.
What worries or fears do you, or others you know, have about marriage, and why?
What are common reasons young adults have for putting off marriage?
Improving Our Teaching and Learning
Validate students’ concerns. Teachers can foster an environment of respect and openness as they validate students’ concerns rather than immediately challenging or dismissing them. Seek to understand why students feel as they do by asking follow-up questions and listening attentively. Thank them for being willing to share their feelings. When students feel their concerns have been listened to and understood, they are generally more likely to receive counsel the Lord has provided to help them with their concerns.
Explain that the following learning activities are intended to help address some of these fears, concerns, and questions. Arrange students in small groups. Designate a leader for each group, and provide him or her with the following handout (or create one of your own that applies better to your specific students). Allow sufficient time for students to have a meaningful discussion.
Overcoming Fear and Increasing Trust in God
The Eternal Family Teacher Material—Lesson 6
Note to group leader: Please use the instructions below to facilitate a discussion with the members of your group. Encourage all members of your group to participate. However, no one should feel pressured to share.
Invite group members to select one of the scripture passages or quotes in section 3 of the preparation material that is especially meaningful to them. Invite a few of them to share their quote or passage. After each individual shares, you might ask:
How could we apply this teaching to overcome fears of getting married or fears someone might have during marriage?
Then discuss the following questions as a group:
How have you overcome fears in the past and increased your trust in God?
What do you believe or know about Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ that enables you to overcome fear and trust the direction They give?
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The Eternal Family Teacher Material—Lesson 6
After sufficient time, invite a few group leaders to share a truth or insight they gained from their group discussion. You might write on the board the truths they identify, which may include a truth like the following: As we look to Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ in faith, we can overcome fear and They will direct our path.
As an additional witness of this truth, consider sharing Elder and Sister Holland’s experience in choosing to marry found in the “Want More?” section of the preparation material. Or you could share the following experience told by Elder Carl B. Cook of the Seventy:
A faithful young man confided in us that he was discouraged about the possibility of a happy marriage. Not only had his parents divorced, but so had every aunt and uncle on both sides of his family. He said he had never seen a happy marriage up close. However, with the Lord’s help, he rose above his fears and married in the temple. He and his wife are finding joy in their marriage and have five beautiful children. (Carl B. Cook, “Continually Progressing toward Eternal Marriage” [worldwide devotional for young adults, May 5, 2019], ChurchofJesusChrist.org)
Give students a few minutes to record anything they have felt to do to exercise more faith in Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ related to marriage.
Explain that throughout this course, students will learn more about how Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ can help them succeed in building strong, eternal marriages. Assure students that Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ love them and are eager and committed to helping them.
For Next Time
Encourage students in their study of the preparation material for lesson 7 to prayerfully ponder how “gender is an essential characteristic of [our] premortal, mortal, and eternal identity and purpose” (“The Family: A Proclamation to the World”). Invite them to also consider how they can respond with Christlike love to those who have questions related to gender.