How do I find and download videos?

“How do I find and download videos?” User Guide (2014)

“How do I find and download videos?” User Guide

How do I find and download videos?

Text is not the only medium in Gospel Library. Videos are available to help in your teaching and study.

To download videos:

  • On the Library screen tap Videos.

    videos menu
    videos menu
  • Choose the collection you want from the choices on the screen. If this is your first time accessing that collection, you may have to download it to the library.

  • Choose the video you want from the list.

  • If you want to watch the video without downloading it, tap the play button.

  • You may want to download the video to your device for offline viewing, for example if you are using the video as part of a lesson. To download, tap the download button in the corner of the video.

    play and download buttons
    play and download buttons

General conference and firesides in Gospel Library often come in text, video, and audio versions.

To access video and audio versions:

  • Tap the button to open the related content area.

    related content button
    related content button
  • Audio and video players appear above the notes. To play without downloading, tap on the play buttons.

  • To download video, tap the download button.

    audio and video
    audio and video
