Sharing the Gospel
How Would Missionaries Help Me Learn?

“How Would Missionaries Help Me Learn?” What to Expect When Visiting with Missionaries of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (2015)

“How Would Missionaries Help Me Learn?” What to Expect

How Would Missionaries Help Me Learn?

sister missionaries teaching

Missionaries would like to meet and talk with you. These meetings usually happen in person but can also occur via social media.

During meetings with missionaries you will undoubtedly have questions—they will do their best to answer them. Your reactions and insights from what you hear, read, view, and experience will be important to you and to them.

Missionaries will invite you to pray, read scriptures, and view video clips with them to help you learn how to follow the teachings of Jesus Christ.

They will direct you to resources that you may choose to study and think about, if you decide to continue meeting with them.

  • Are you willing to try doing some or all of these things with the missionaries?
