Sharing the Gospel
What Do Missionaries Believe about You?

“What Do Missionaries Believe about You?” What to Expect When Visiting with Missionaries of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (2015)

“What Do Missionaries Believe about You?” What to Expect

What Do Missionaries Believe about You?

young couple holding infant

You are a son or daughter of God.

You can be with your family forever.

Jesus Christ can help you deal with problems and concerns and take advantage of opportunities in your life, no matter what they might be.

If you continue to meet with the missionaries, they believe you will be willing to try acting on what you are learning—for example, by reading scriptures, praying, and attending church meetings.

The missionaries will respect your choices and decisions.

  • What would you want the missionaries to know about you (for example, something about your life, your family, or your beliefs)?