Sharing the Gospel
If I Would Like to Visit with Missionaries Again, How Might I Prepare?

“If I Would Like to Visit with Missionaries Again, How Might I Prepare?” What to Expect When Visiting with Missionaries of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (2015)

“If I Would Like to Visit with Missionaries Again, How Might I Prepare?” What to Expect

If I Would Like to Visit with Missionaries Again, How Might I Prepare?

woman reading scriptures
  • Pray, or ask the missionaries to teach you how to pray.

  • Ask the missionaries for a copy of the Book of Mormon (it’s free) and to introduce it to you. Begin reading it from the beginning. (The missionaries are willing to read with you if that will help.)

  • Come to church on Sunday.

  • Explore

  • Consider inviting someone to join you for the next visits.

  • Would you like to continue meeting?
