God’s Gracious Love


God’s Gracious Love

1. Day by day, God’s gracious love surrounds me

As a balm to soothe my troubled heart.

Countless cares and worries that confound me

Fade away or quietly depart,

For His heart is kind beyond all measure,

And He comforts us as He knows best.

Ev’ry day, with all its pain and pleasure,

Mingles tears with peace and rest.

2. Day by day, the Lord is ever near me,

Granting loving mercies for each hour,

And my care He gladly bears, and cheers me

With His counsel pure and holy pow’r.

I’ll not fear for what may come tomorrow,

Though the path ahead I cannot see.

He assures that in all joy or sorrow,

“As thy days, thy strength shall be.”

3. Help me rest in quiet consolation.

Help me trust Thy promises, O Lord.

When I’m faced with daily tribulation,

Help me find the strength to live Thy word.

Then, dear Lord, when toil and trouble find me,

Hold me steadfast in Thy pow’rful hand.

Day by day, Thy strength will bear me kindly

Till I reach the promised land.

About this hymn

Text: Lina Sandell-Berg, 1865; English transl. Andrew L. Skoog, 1921; alt.

Music: Oscar Ahnfelt, 1872; harm. Albert Lindström, 1885; alt. | BLOTT EN DAG

Text alt. © 2024 and music alt. © 1993 by Intellectual Reserve, Inc. All rights reserved. This song may be copied for incidental, noncommercial Church or home use.

Matthew 6:33–34

Isaiah 12:2