He Is Born, the Divine Christ Child


He Is Born, the Divine Christ Child


He is born, the divine Christ child;

Raise your voices in joyful melody!

He is born, the divine Christ child—

Sing of Jesus, the Baby mild.

1. Through the ages, prophets told

Of a long-awaited Savior.

Through the ages, prophets told

Of this Child we now behold.


He is born, the divine Christ child;

Raise your voices in joyful melody!

He is born, the divine Christ child—

Sing of Jesus, the Baby mild.

2. In a humble bed of hay,

How the Baby sweetly slumbers!

In a humble bed of hay

Sleeps our Heav’nly King today.


He is born, the divine Christ child;

Raise your voices in joyful melody!

He is born, the divine Christ child—

Sing of Jesus, the Baby mild.

3. Child of beauty! Child of grace!

Pure and perfect, Infant holy.

Child of beauty! Child of grace!

Heaven lights His holy face.


He is born, the divine Christ child;

Raise your voices in joyful melody!

He is born, the divine Christ child—

Sing of Jesus, the Baby mild.

Sing the refrain before verse 1 and after each verse.

About this hymn

Text: Nouveaux Cantiques, 1812; English transl. 2024

Music: French carol; Airs notés du recueil de cantiques spirituels à l’usage des petits, 1824; arr. 2024 | IL EST NÉ

English transl. and music arr. © 2024 by Intellectual Reserve, Inc. All rights reserved. This song may be copied for incidental, noncommercial Church or home use.

Guitar Capo Sheet Music

Luke 2:6–14

Isaiah 9:6