“Feedback,” New Era, July 1971, 2
A magazine needs reader response. It is a vital link in the full-circle chain of communication that is necessary if a magazine is to serve the needs and interests of its readers. So, send in your insights and thoughts, points you feel an author should have covered, and comments about the New Era. Space permitting, comments of interest to the worldwide community of Latter-day Saint youth will be printed, and every effort will be made to represent fairly reader response.
Air Force girl
I am a Latter-day Saint girl in the U.S. Air Force, and the New Era is a welcome sight in my mailbox every month. Coincidentally, my “treasure” of a paycheck seems to consistently arrive the same day, but it is considered of less import than the treasure of knowledge, enjoyment, and spirit I get out of each New Era. It’s truly a blessing to me—and I’m thankful that wherever I’m stationed, the New Era will find me.
Carol Stoddard
Keesler Air Force Base, Mississippi
Q&A department
Are special persons selected to submit questions to the “Q&A” section? I have a question that I think is of general interest and I am dying to send it to you. Congratulations on a fine and inspiring youth magazine. The first five issues have given me insight into what the gospel has to offer youth, who are the majority of the Church’s membership. The issues have tremendously increased my testimony of the truthfulness of the gospel.
George Zinn
Ogden, Utah
We’re glad you asked about “Q&A.” The questions handled are those actually raised by Latter-day Saint high school and college youth in written surveys taken at such youth gatherings as LDSSA conferences, Laurel conferences, institute and seminary conferences, gatherings and classes at Church colleges, as well as questions submitted by readers. The New Era tries to feature those questions that have broad, general interest and application—and only as an avenue for providing help and insight into commonly understood concerns. The answers are not official pronouncements of Church doctrine or policy, and our selection of a respondent is arbitrary, based on the assumption that any qualified Latter-day Saint would have something helpful to say, although we do try to ask persons who, by virtue of their experience, would have some special insight. Readers are at complete liberty to send in questions, but only with the understanding that such questions are raised for the general help and blessing of all readers. If you have questions and concerns that are troubling you personally, it is the order of the Church that you discuss them with your parents, home teachers, or bishop/branch president. The New Era, although an official voice of the Church to youth, is not designed to replace those relationships. It is designed to be of general help; and in that spirit, send in the question.
Good—but not the fifth standard work!
I want you to know that the New Era is really full of knowledge that one can turn into wisdom by his own study and prayer. I only regret that the magazine doesn’t contain more articles, as I can hardly wait for the next issue each month. I have heard rumors that our Church now has five standard works—the four standard works plus the New Era! Congratulations on a great success story, and I truly feel that our Heavenly Father is smiling down on you as you perform this work.
Gary Largent
Torrance, California
White on black is good!
In reference to letters in the April “Feedback,” I wish to say that white print on black is not hard on the eyes. Scientifically, it is good for them, since most of the light reflection is absorbed by the page. Only the letters throw back the light. I wish you’d have more of it, and I do not understand why printing is done so much by the other method. For my eyes, the size of your print is too small in most instances, certainly in “Feedback.”
Eldon D. Brinley
Kingsville, Texas
Student branch at MSU
In “So You’re Going to College” [March], we wish that it had been noted that we have an organized student branch for college students here at Montana State University. The branch was organized in 1967, and perhaps the day is not too distant when this will be a student ward. Other than this small comment, thanks for a fine magazine that has started to fill a great need among Latter-day Saint students.
A. Bryan Weston
counselor in the MSU branch presidency
Will there be a writing contest?
Will you be continuing the writing contests formerly sponsored by the Era of Youth? If so, I would like detailed information about entries and awards. In the meantime, I am thrilled with the New Era! I especially enjoy the designing. Thank you for printing the two-act musical from the BYU Festival of Arts, The Order Is Love [April].
Miriam Hawkes
Boise, Idaho
Yes, a writing contest will be announced shortly through the pages of the New Era, and data on entries and awards will be given.
May puzzlement
The New Era is really something! But concerning the “Puzzlement” on page 35 [May], 4 down and 11 across do not coincide—scriptures does not jibe with Solomon. As far as I can tell, there is no such word as “soriptures.”
Ruth Ann Wiseman
Barstow, California
You’re right. Our beady-eyed editors missed that one. Fortunately, the error does not prohibit you from finding the correct solution to—and message of—the puzzle.