“A Pictorial Story of the Founding of the Church in the British Isles,” New Era, Nov. 1971, 20
A Pictorial Story of the Founding of the Church in the British Isles
It seems natural for us today to think of the Church as spanning four oceans and reaching into six continents.
But in 1837 it was a different story. Nearly all of the members were then living on the American frontier—either at Kirtland or in Missouri. A few Canadians had joined the Church, but that was about the extent of Mormonism.
So it came as a stunning announcement to the Saints that the small, struggling Church, with so many local areas unproselyted, would send missionaries across the Atlantic to the most sophisticated and powerful empire on earth.
Probably no one but the Lord would have known that such a plan would find many converts; and indeed, the great success of those early missionaries is only partial testimony that it was the Lord who sent them there.
How did they do it?
What was it like to be a missionary then?
Here in their own words, from their personal accounts and accounts written about them, is a brief outline of how they went forth to harvest the believers, and how no one could stop their divinely appointed progress.