Policies and Procedures
November 1971

“Policies and Procedures,” New Era, Nov. 1971, 47

Policies and Procedures

Fasting and Fast Offering

The General Authorities are concerned that we “place increasing emphasis on fasting, not only on the contribution but on the spirit of the law. Currently the income from the fast offering is supplying about two-thirds of the assistance needed. The Lord has promised great blessings to his people if they will be faithful in keeping his commandments, not the least of which is the law of the fast.”

When a Boy Is to Be Ordained

All young men will want to know the practice of the Church on this matter: “Brethren who are to be ordained to any office in the priesthood should be in attendance at the meeting where their names are presented for sustaining vote and should sit near the front of the assembly where they can easily be seen.” The meetings at which one’s name is presented are sacrament meetings for ordinations in the Aaronic Priesthood and stake priesthood meetings for ordinations in the Melchizedek Priesthood.

Beehive Basketball

“Beehive girls may participate in basketball if they do so with girls of corresponding ages. Thus, a stake tournament structured to include Beehive girls is for Beehive girls only; furthermore, its games are not to be played late in the evening. Beehive girls are not to be included in regional tournaments.”

Sex Education

Nearly all students are exposed to sex education in the public schools. Therefore, they should know how the First Presidency feels about this: “We believe that serious hazards are involved in entrusting to the schools the teaching of this vital and important subject to our children. This responsibility cannot wisely be left to society, nor the schools; nor can the responsibility be shifted to the Church. It is the responsibility of parents to see that they fully perform their duty in this respect.” Talk to your parents. Ask them your questions. It will honor them, and you will discover that they are the persons who can best answer your candid and honest questions. When sex education is presented in school, discuss it with your parents and together keep things in perspective.

Budget Assessments in Student Stakes

Some students who remember the previous policy will want to know of the following change: “In the past it has been the policy to limit the amount of budget that might be assessed members of student stakes. Recently, investigation has revealed that the tithing and offering record of some student stakes is as good as, if not better than, the record of nonstudent stakes. Accordingly, the restriction on budget assessments for members of student stakes has been lifted.” What a tremendous compliment to student stakes!

Responsibilities of Aaronic Priesthood Quorum Presidencies

If you are now in an Aaronic Priesthood quorum presidency or think the day might come when you could be, note this important review of instructions: “The presidents of the respective Aaronic Priesthood quorums have both the right and the responsibility to lead and direct the quorum. The presidency of the deacons and teachers quorums should meet separately each week with their respective quorum advisers to consider quorum business. The president should plan for the meeting in advance and have an agenda ready. Quorum presidencies, under the direction of the ward bishop and his counselors, are the active, directing heads of the quorums. Among other things they are to—

a. Supervise, control, and direct all quorum business and activities.

b. Coordinate the work on all quorum projects.

c. Assure themselves that quorum instruction is adequate and well prepared and, with the adviser, make assignments to other quorum members to participate in lesson preparation.

“The quorum adviser will attend these weekly meetings to advise and provide leadership training. The counselor in the bishopric will also be in attendance from time to time to advise and give leadership instruction. However, it remains the duty of the president of the quorum ‘to sit in council with them, and to teach them the duty of their office, as given in the covenants.’”

As most young men already know, callings in the priesthood are to serve and lead. If you are a deacon or teacher, perhaps you could ask your presidency how you could help them carry out their leadership assignments (projects and activities). If you are in a presidency, you may wish to review with your adviser some of your duties.
