“A Puzzlement,” New Era, Dec. 1971, 39
A Puzzlement
Puzzle No. 3
If you’re an average youth, then you’ve already been hurt because of a certain human tendency. But not only have you received some hurts because of it, you’ve probably hurt others, maybe not even realizing how much harm you have done them. What is this problem and what can you do about it? That’s the mystery-answer to this month’s puzzlement. The advice given, if remembered and followed, will be one of the great trademarks of your future happy life—especially with brothers, sisters, and parents. Work the puzzle, then read in sequence the answers to across numbers 3, 18, 19, 30, 31, 44, 45, 47, and 55.

1. All saints, who are ___ can be called saints (D&C 89:3)
Wine or strong drink among you, ___ it is not good (D&C 89:5)
The trees of the Lord are full of ___ (Ps. 104:16)
___ wisdom in thy youth (Alma 37:35)
Baseball player
Score won by a single stroke as in golf.
For God ___ loved the world (John 3:16)
___ long can rolling waters remain impure (D&C 121:33)
The worth of souls is ___ in the sight of God (D&C 18:10)
Eldest son of Noah.
One of the soldiers with a spear pierced his ___ (John 19:34)
Capable of tension; ductile
Scriptures are referred to by chapter and ___
Superior grade
All spirit is ___ (D&C 131:7)
For the wages of sin ___ death (Rom. 6:23)
The last Psalm in roman numerals
Extended play
Nephites found this animal in promised land (1 Ne. 18:25)
Promise which he made was ___ (Alma 51:10)
Incomplete sense
Drill instructor
Indefinite article
Describes Bo Peep
The Lord is like a refiner’s ___ (D&C 128:24)
By way of
Expression of laughter
Silks and scarlets and fine-twined ___ (1 Ne. 13:7)
Adam and Eve’s eldest
Residents of Italian city
Set on 47 across
Early English
1. Methuselah was the ___ man of Bible record (Gen. 5:27)
Second tone of diatonic scale
Mythical conveyances for witches
Enough (archaic)
I have need to be baptized ___ thee (Matt. 3:14)
All ___ shall have their part in the lake which burneth. (Rev. 21:8)
Wo unto them that are ___ (D&C 50:6)
Special delivery
Responsive to the beautiful: ___thetic
Samuel the Lamanite did ___ (Hel. 14:1)
Greek goddess of women’s crafts
Gadianton was the ___ of the band of Kishkumen (Hel. 2:4)
Threefold: thrice
Male person or animal
Place of departure for moon (abbr.)
Mischievous child
Girl’s name
Two thirds of six
Sound of definite pitch
Desired greatly
Sixth tone of diatonic scale
Son of Benjamin: anagram of “hie” ()Gen. 46:21)
Edinburgh: anagram of “Diane”
The Lord is not ___ concerning his promise (2 Pet. 3:9)
Ye men of Galilee, why ___ gazing up into heaven (Acts 1:11)
Girl’s name
And they did beat the gold into ___ plates (Ex. 39:3)
Or if he ask a ___ will he give him a serpent (3 Ne. 14:10)
Anagram of “seen”
Joshua destroyed the city of ___ (Josh. 10:1)
Physical education