December 1971

“Feedback,” New Era, Dec. 1971, 2


Girls and summiteers

In response to your excellent treatment of the MIA conference highlights in the September issue, please add to the Young Women’s Sports-Camp Program on page 44 the following: “The Summiteer program is under the supervision of the priesthood and MIA leaders and should not be planned or executed without their approval. There should be sufficient responsible leadership among the participants so that, in general, there is one leader for every eight girls.”

Young Women’s Sports-Camp
Committee of the YWMIA


Someone suggested [September Feedback] that the magazine be printed to allow the articles to be torn out without losing part of another article, and you explained why that would be impossible. I have a suggestion. I use a file system that has an index at the front of each section of the file. I list any article, its issue, year, and page in this index under the appropriate section in my file system. I then keep my New Eras in a designated place, and when I want to refer to an article again, I can do so readily by turning to my file system. This way, the magazine is left intact and useful for other purposes.

Becky Hall
Orem, Utah

The filing problem is resolved! Xeroxing or photostatic copying costs so little these days that special articles can be duplicated and bound for one’s file.

Sid Sandberg
Provo, Utah


Congratulations! The poster that appeared in the New Era [September] is without doubt the most beautiful poster I have ever seen anywhere! I just had to drop you a note to let you know how great I think it is and to congratulate you, and at the same time, in all humility, to say that I am jealous! Everyone I have showed it to agrees with me, so on their behalf, as well as my own, once again: Thanks for doing something so great! I am really looking forward to seeing the others.

Gerald N. Pearson
President, Trilogy Arts
Provo, Utah

For readers who want to know how to obtain copies of the six New Era posters, see the September magazine with the free poster included. On the back of the poster are pictures of five other posters available at the New Era Office, 79 South State, Salt Lake City, Utah 84111, or through Deseret Book Company (our partner in this venture), 44 East South Temple, Salt Lake City, Utah 84111. Write to either address; send $1 per poster and 10¢ for postage and handling. The posters are 20 by 30 inches.

Section 134

I enjoy the New Era very much and hope you won’t mind my calling a point to your attention. On page 23 [September], first paragraph, it states that section 134 of the Doctrine and Covenants [D&C 134] was a revelation to Joseph Smith. This is not correct. It is a statement of belief. See History of the Church, volume 2, page 247, and compendiums or reference books having to do with the Doctrine and Covenants.

Omer Dean Nelson
Tucson, Arizona

Aboard the nuclear-powered Enterprise

I’m stationed aboard America’s finest nuclear-powered aircraft carrier, the Enterprise. Although service life is not the epitome of clean living, Church literature like the New Era and fellowship with other Saints can really make the difference. I know personally how deeply I feel, and I speak for many others who give a hearty “well done” to the Church for this magazine.

David G. Halley
Aboard the Enterprise

Personalized envelopes

Thanks for the great envelope idea in the July issue. In fact, I thought I’d send my letter in an envelope I made. What I want to say is that I’m 18 and live forty miles from the nearest meeting place. As a result, I’m often unable to participate in Church activities except Sunday services. But the New Era has been very inspiring to me. It has kept me close to the Church despite my disadvantage of living so far away, and I can really see the wisdom of the General Authorities in creating such a publication.

Carol Gortis
New Albany, Mississippi

Missionary meditator

As a missionary in this great work, I am asked to have a period of meditation every day to set my spiritual needs in order before my companion and I embark on doing the Lord’s work. I enjoy reading the New Era. It helps me to prepare myself to talk with my Heavenly Father. I love to partake of the great spirit that is carried within the magazine. Then, in the course of the day, I’m often able to convey what I’ve read. I’ve found that the New Era teaches us to put into practice the teachings of the gospel, and this will make for a happier and more meaningful life. Indeed, the New Era is a light before the world, and I pray that it may never grow dim but become brighter and brighter.

Elder Tom Yingling
Andes-Peru Mission

Room decoration

Thank you for the interesting articles about decorating your room without spending a lot of money. I have found the ideas very helpful—especially in fixing up a shabby wooden desk and bookcase. My sister and I got a pale color to match the walls and painted both pieces; then we got a darker color and put on the edges of the shelves and around the edge of the top of the desk. It looks great.

Kathy Okerlund
Orem, Utah

Sheer praise

The New Era is something I believe in! I love it! Each issue gets better—I don’t know how you do it. You make the gospel so real and alive, not boring. I really want to read and learn more after I see a New Era. I thank my dad for the best $3 investment he ever made.

Elaine Gunnell
North Salt Lake, Utah

All I can say is thank you for following the Spirit when you publish this great magazine.

Debbie Johnson
San Jose, California

I just finished the September issue and had to let you know how much joy it has brought me. It was just what I needed when I got home from school, because I was depressed. The New Era was the inspiration that I needed to cheer me up and give me a reminder that I have the gospel and a testimony of the Church. When I read it, tears came to my eyes, then a smile to my lips. The articles touched my heart. I just can’t write how I really feel, but I thank you so very, very much.

Janet Stromness
Kearns, Utah

Whether by coincidence or planning, the September New Era with its article by President Joseph Fielding Smith arrived on the day of our MIA theme presentation. I was trying to prepare something to make the theme go over. I decided to read President Smith’s remarks. They were very well received. They made the first evening of MIA very meaningful.

Claudia Wanberg
Conrad, Montana

I usually enjoy reading the “Dear Editor” columns in magazines, but somehow I’ve never had the desire to join the throng of contributors myself. But it really isn’t fair for me to go on enjoying all the wonderful things that you do for me without thanking you for them. I often find myself thanking my Heavenly Father in my prayers for all the things I learn from reading the New Era. There doesn’t ever seem to be a time or a mood for which you don’t have an amazingly timed cure.

Maybel Lopez
Simi, California
