June 1973

“Feedback,” New Era, June 1973, 2


I laughed so hard I cried

I enjoyed the fiction story “Wallflower” by Louise Plummer so much I just had to write. I laughed so hard I cried. I laughed so much I couldn’t breathe! Any girl who has ever gone to a dance stag can relate to this girl’s feelings. And, of course, at the end it really made you cry but in a different way.

Beverly Ahlgrim
Los Angeles, California

Urge to shout

Ever since the day I was baptized (which was almost three years ago) I’ve had the urge to shout, “Hey, Everyone, I’m a member of God’s true church!” And I’m glad I still have that feeling. Your magazine is great for people who need a good companion when they’re feeling low. It really keeps you up to date on what’s happening in the Mormon world.

Karen Beckman
Ontario, California

I enjoy the New Era, but …

I enjoy the New Era, but I would like to see many more stories of modern-day teens. I find this kind of reading much more interesting.

Wendy Call
Hayward, California

Wrinkles, memories, and miracles

In the February New Era, I found Jerry E. Loomis’s story “Cyrano de Cybernet” extremely captivating and thought-provoking. It is so important to peer behind looks and to examine a person’s true character. Often choice people with dynamic personalities are turned aside simply because their outward appearance seems dull and uninteresting. After all, what is there left when time steals beauty and appealing looks and leaves only wrinkles and memories? Just the miracle of personality! My thanks to the New Era for another well-chosen article.

Stephen W. Houghtaling
Bellevue, Washington

I wondered

I felt truly blessed last week when I received the January and February copies of the New Era. I am in the army, stationed in Germany. I have found temptations everywhere. It is not hard to be lured down to a low spiritual plane if one does not constantly watch himself. I wondered many times if the Lord really understood me and knew what was right for me. When I read the article “The Currant Bush,” it really hit home how the Lord is the gardener and he knows the right ways for us to experience growth.

Lynn Button
Bad Kreuznach, Germany

Holy Land photos

I especially liked the photographs of the Holy Land (December, February, April). I used them for family home evening lessons, and my family really enjoyed them.

Cheri Norris

Where I am …

I am an inmate at the Utah State Prison. The New Era is especially gratifying to me because of the help I get from the various articles and the insight and knowledge it offers. Of special interest this month was the message given by Brother Monson. The rights, responsibilities, and, most important, the results of choice are very pertinent here, so much so that I was able to use this theme for a devotional in our seminary class.

Name Withheld
Utah State Penitentiary

Breaking ground at sea

I am a sailor and one of two Latter-day Saints aboard a destroyer stationed in the Gulf of Tonkin. We both receive the New Era. It provides a stimulating basis for good conversation and serves as a constant reminder of who we are and what we stand for. It is also the greatest single missionary tool I’ve encountered in the service. Shipmates have asked me about our beliefs with real interest after looking through the pages of the New Era. It is a real ground breaker even at sea.

Steven K. Schenck
USS O’Callahan, Vietnam

Clowning around

I always thought I would like to be a rodeo clown but never knew how to tell anybody. Now I do. Thanks for the good article on the clown. My mom really liked it too. I also liked the article about Shawn Davis.

Garth Simonson
Salt Lake City, Utah

Thank you for the missionary clown story. For many years I’ve wanted to be a “home and community” clown. My family and friends have thought me off upstairs. But after reading that article I am going to follow through and become a clown. Maybe I too can become a missionary clown.

Avon Brooks
Mesa, Arizona

Thanks for the New Era, especially the “Missionary Clown” article. I want to be a dancer and now I know that I can do it. I’m only fifteen, but it gives me courage to read about somebody who made it doing something different.

Pamela Woodward
Salt Lake City, Utah

“The Resurrection”

I really appreciate the photo story on the resurrection. The photographs are gorgeous. In seminary we have been studying Jesus Christ and the events concerning the resurrection, and those photographs really make it come to life for me. Thank you for beautiful articles such as these.

Linda Brownell
Castro Valley, California

I really enjoyed the article “The Resurrection.” It was really interesting to me because in seminary we are studying the crucifixion and resurrection of Christ. Seeing these things in pictures was really fascinating.

Kim Brown
Sepulveda, California

Love affair with life

I was extremely impressed with the article “Journal Excerpts from a Single Girl” by Carol Clark in the March issue of the New Era. The article really hit home base with me as Carol talked about having a love affair with life. I, too, am so appreciative of the beauties of life. If everyone would take time to smell the roses and look for the small beauties in life, a lot of pessimism and backbiting would be eradicated. Life is short. We’re only here once, so why not challenge ourselves to overlook negativism and bathe ourselves in optimism while looking for the good in others and enjoying the sights, smells, savor, and zest of life. We should thank God daily for the time we have and the beauties that surround us. Time cannot be duplicated, so take some of that time to smell the roses.

Susan Warburton
Salt Lake City, Utah

Thanks so much for the article “Journal Excerpts from a Single Girl.” It’s so timely and so beautiful. Even though I am a man, it still represents many struggles and joys of the soul in my life. I easily identified with the article.

Dennis Batz
Whitewater, Wisconsin

Appreciating the President

I’m grateful for the articles about Harold B. Lee that have appeared in recent issues of the New Era. Through them I have gained a great appreciation for this humble man who leads our church. As Latter-day Saints we worship God, but we honor, sustain, and if necessary, defend our prophets. I hope the New Era will continue to keep the youth of the Church informed about the personality, opinions, and official declarations of our present prophet.

Linda Mahoney
Chula Vista, California

More housewife hints, please

I just received my March issue of the New Era, and, as usual, have read it from cover to cover. I especially liked the article about Bonnie Shand, “Learning to Be a Norwegian Housewife.” I think it would be a great idea to feature an article every now and then that would tell of some craft, like how to make the potato starch Bonnie mentioned, or how to make butter, etc. Then those of us who can’t go to a Norwegian school could learn housewifely skills at home. My thanks to Vivian Paulsen for that article.

Valli Camp
Salem, Oregon

I love your pictures

Do you know what? I love your pictures. I love color pictures that have really neat sayings on them. My favorites are the pictures with couples in them. I love pictures of flowers, sunsets, oceans, and especially the ones of the resurrection.

Susan Davis
Clinton, Utah
