A Puzzlement
July 1973

“A Puzzlement,” New Era, July 1973, 14–15

A Puzzlement

This crossword puzzle will test your knowledge of modern-day scriptures—particularly in the Doctrine and Covenants and the Pearl of Great Price—as well as provide entertainment. Since many of the words can be found only by looking them up in the scriptures, why not make it a team effort and use it as a family home evening activity for young people and parents, young married couples, or college-age groups?

Crossword puzzle

After completing the crossword, fill in the blanks at right with the letters appearing in the correspondingly numbered squares, and read this timely message from a modern-day prophet.

__ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __—__ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __
1 17 55 57 51 44 60 30 35 21 67 46 53 75 59 55 48 8 76—65 50 17 33 19 54 60 53 24 40 55 17


4. Having been administered to by the elders, “if they die they shall ____ unto me.” (D&C 42:44.)

7. Abraham 1:21 speaks of a king of Egypt, a descendant of _____. [Abr. 1:21]

8. “… if ye receive not the Spirit ye shall not _____.” (D&C 42:14.)

9. We are told to seek knowledge of all things, that we may be _____. (D&C 88:80.)

11. The Lord will “come to my _____.” (D&C 36:8)

13. Pronoun referring to the mother of Joseph Smith.

15. Give heed to (variation in spelling). (D&C 67:1.)

18. “When they are learned they think they are _____.” (2 Ne 9:28.)

20. Injure.

23. The elders are sent forth to call upon all nations to _____. (D&C 18:41.)

25. The Hill Cumorah, Sacred Grove, and Smith home are in the same vicinity or _____.

26. “Let the earth bring forth the living creature after his _____.” (Moses 2:24.)

29. Unusual, uncommon.

30. Moses 2 describes this great event.

32. Jesus Christ is the great I _____. (D&C 29:1.)

33. Surname of four presidents of the Church.

35. “… all those who have this law revealed unto them must _____ the same.” (D&C 132:3.)

36. D&C 88:18–32 speaks of kingdoms and _____.

38. Name of the New Jerusalem. (D&C 45:66–67.)

39. Pronoun proper for use in prayer.

40. D&C 93:2 describes that which “lighteth every man”; the true _____.

42. “Learn wisdom in thy _____.” (Alma 37:35.)

45. The devil “maketh _____ with the saints of God.” (D&C 76:29.)

48. Abbreviation for state on Atlantic Coast of the U.S.

50. “They shall _____ again to their own place, to enjoy that which they are willing to receive.” (D&C 88:32.)

52. “Behold and _____. …” (D&C 67:2.)

53. Neither.

54. “… teach one another the _____ of the kingdom.” (D&C 88:77.)

57. “… the President of the office of the High Priesthood … like unto Moses.” (D&C 107:91–92.)

58. Physical education.

59. The Prophet and his brother were shot by “an armed _____—painted black …” (D&C 135:1.)

60. _____ in remembrance of the body of Christ. (D&C 20:77.)

62. Office in the Aaronic Priesthood. (D&C 20:46–47.)

65. “… the song of the righteous is a _____ unto me …” (D&C 25:12.)

66. Precipitation that resulted in the great flood.

67. The Lord’s “Spirit shall not always strive with _____.” (D&C 1:33.)

69. Turf.

71. The Book of Abraham (in the Pearl of Great Price) is a _____ of some ancient records. (Abr. 1.)

74. The angel of God who was thrust down from his presence and called Perdition. (D&C 76:25, 26.)

75. Supreme Being.

76. “_____ ye out of the best books words of wisdom.” (D&C 88:118.)


1. “The _____ of the kingdom of God are committed unto man on the earth.” (D&C 65:2.)

2. You can do nothing without faith, hope, and _____. First four letters only. (D&C 18:19.)

3. You, in scriptural language.

4. Honeybee. (Ether 2:3.)

5. Identification.

6. Present prophet, seer, and revelator of the Church.

7. “This is My Beloved Son. _____ Him!” (JS—H 1:17.)

8. Definite article.

10. A promise to those who obey the Word of Wisdom: you “shall _____ and not be weary.” (D&C 89:20.)

12. Those who bear the vessels of the Lord should meet this requirement. (D&C 38:42.)

14. Section 67 of the Doctrine and Covenants was given through the Prophet at a conference in this town. [D&C 67]

16. “… let him _____ of me,” (D&C 42:68.)

17. “I am the Beginning and the _____.” (Moses 2:1.)

19. There are _____ among the inhabitants of Zion. (D&C 68:31.)

20. Sections 3 through 13 of the Doctrine and Covenants were received at _____, Pennsylvania. [D&C 3–13]

21. Ninth president of the Church.

22. Joseph Smith 1 [JS—M 1] is a translation of the twenty-fourth chapter of _____.

24. The children of men are disobedient “because of the _____ of their fathers.” (D&C 93:39.)

27. Man was created in God’s _____. (Moses 2:27.)

28. “And whatsoever they shall speak when moved upon by the Holy Ghost shall be _____.” (D&C 68:4.)

31. “Marriage _____ ordained of God unto man.” (D&C 49:15.)

33. “_____ put it into the heart of the serpent” to beguile Eve. (Moses 4:6.)

34. Christ “is the Only Be_____ of the Father.” (D&C 76:23.)

37. “Seek not for riches but for _____.” (D&C 6:7.)

41. Joseph Smith 2 [JS—H 1] contains a partial _____ of the Prophet.

43. Nephi was commanded to make plates of _____. (1 Ne. 19:1.)

44. Joseph Smith and Sidney Rigdon saw in a vision, Christ on the right _____ of God. (D&C 76:23.)

46. No one shall preach the gospel or build the Church unless ordained by _____. (D&C 42:11.)

47. A preposition.

49. Site of the martyrdom June 27, 1844. (D&C 135:1.)

51. “The Lord’s house shall be established in the ______ of the mountains.” Plural. (Isa. 2:2.)

52. A _____ descendant of Aaron has “a legal right to the bishopric. …” (D&C 68:15–16.)

55. Joseph Smith 1 is an _____ from a translation of the Bible. [JS—M 1]

56. “They hearken not unto the _____ of God.” (2 Ne. 9:28.)

61. “… the worth of souls is great in the sight of _____.” (D&C 18:10.)

63. “… this priesthood was confirmed to be handed down from father to _____.” (D&C 107:40.)

64. “And I shrunk and would that I might not _____ him.” (1 Ne. 4:10.)

68. “The Lord cannot look upon _____ with the least degree of allowance.” (D&C 1:31.)

70. “… _____, in other words, light and truth.” (D&C 93:36.)

72. “… their hearts are set _____ much upon the things of this world. …” (D&C 121:35.)

73. D&C 87:3 lists these sections of the U.S. that Joseph Smith predicted would be divided against each other in war.


  • Keep the Commandments—President Lee
