It’s Your Time—How Do You Want to Spend It?
October 1973

“It’s Your Time—How Do You Want to Spend It?” New Era, Oct. 1973, 26

It’s Your Time—
How Do You Want to Spend It?

85,000 HOURS—that’s the amount of time you will probably spend in working at a job. How do you decide what you want to do?

Whatever your decision—schooling, mission, marriage, service, work—the choice will be difficult to make as you will have to select from a vast number of opportunities available to you.

Whatever you do, the choice is yours. You may gain much from listening to your parents, teachers, Church leaders, high school counselors, or friends. However, the final decision is up to you. And since this decision will have such a far-reaching effect on your life, you won’t want to leave it to chance lest you bypass opportunities that will help you to become the kind of person you have the potential to become. You’ll want to consider all the choices available to you.

The Church has established an Educational and Career Advisement Center (ECAC) as it is concerned with your life here as well as hereafter. If you are just finishing high school, out of school seeking new training or knowledge, or on the job seeking new skills, ECAC can help you with your educational and career decisions in the following areas:

Information on Church Educational Opportunities

ECAC can provide information on the varied post high school educational programs of the Church. These include Brigham Young University, Ricks College, LDS Business College, Church College of Hawaii, and the institutes of religion.

Information on Other Educational Opportunities

ECAC can provide general information about opportunities for training at vocational schools, business or technical schools, community colleges, and four-year colleges and universities. ECAC can assist Church youth, parents, and leaders in becoming aware of educational opportunities in their local areas.

Services to Church Members

Church members or groups desiring assistance in their educational and career planning can contact ECAC to receive specific guidance and helps regarding educational or career programs that should be considered in view of the individual’s needs, interest, and abilities. ECAC can provide information through correspondence, tele-lectures, and individual or group discussions.

Through group discussions students can prepare themselves early in their high school career for the post high school program of their choice by learning of academic requirements of institutions, financial considerations, housing arrangements, special programs, and other information.

Conduct Research of Needs of Youth

An extensive educational and career needs assessment study has been completed in six pilot stakes of the Church. Church youth, parents, and leaders were involved with public school students and educators in identifying educational and career needs of youth from 12 to 17 years of age. Information from this study will be used by the Church to develop lesson materials and Church publications.

If you would like assistance from ECAC, please write to the Educational and Career Advisement Center, A-78 ASB, Brigham Young University, Provo, Utah 84602.
