February 1974

“Feedback,” New Era, Feb. 1974, 2


“I’m the one”

Just a few minutes ago I read “Vickie’s Family” in the November New Era. I think it’s great. You know, it’s something I can really identify with. And especially the part about Vickie having her first family home evening in a long time. We have it all the time, but sometimes the family can’t all be together, so it gets boring. Now I realize that I’m the one who has got to make the difference.

Kathy Richardson
Safford, Arizona

New Era mnemonics

As my companions and I study our discussions we sometimes become discouraged and have a hard time memorizing. When this happens we often reach for the New Era and try to lose the feeling of discouragement. You know what? After reading only a few articles we are ready to work on our discussions again. The articles are very inspirational—and we are looking forward to the next issue so we can finish our discussions.

Elders Gary Brady and Kevin Elmer
Minnesota-Wisconsin Mission

“I had never read one”

Until I was asked to give a “What I Like about the New Era” talk, I had never read one. Now, after having read several articles in issues dating back to 1971, what I like is everything. It is simply fantastic! I’m sending a subscription to a close nonmember friend because I feel it can be the biggest missionary aid there is (besides good members and our discussions).

Elder Ed Teeples
Hawaii Mission

For Elder Cheney’s posterity

The story (which is quite true!) in the October New Era concerning the two freshman in the BYU cafeteria and their failure to recognize their lunch companion as President Dallin Oaks needs one minor correction. The freshman who asked President Oaks most of the questions was not the same one who queried, “President of what?” It was the friend of the first who did that. This may appear trivial, but is a necessary adjustment for the sake of my friends and future posterity! I was very surprised and amused to find a not-so-old memory in the New Era. Thanks for everything the magazine does for both LDS youth and their nonmember friends.

Elder Alan Cheny
California North Mission


I would like to thank you for “Well of Living Water” in the November issue. I have read most of the standard works but didn’t ponder them much. I heard our Church leaders say to go home and ponder the things we had heard, but I didn’t find time to do it. I would read a scripture and then forget what I’d read, so I really got very little out of it. I find that when I ponder the scriptures, I remember them more; I’m more able to apply them to problems that arise, and I enjoy them more. I also feel the wonderful influence of the Holy Ghost more.

Randy Voss
Denver, Colorado

A Christmas card

Sending you best wishes and saying a little prayer

That God will keep you safely in his tender loving care,

Because you bless the lives and hearts

Of others day by day,

And help them by your work and prayers

To follow in God’s way.

May this joyful Christmas season bring

Its deepest joys to you,

And may God’s love be in your heart

Throughout the new year too!

John D. Zerko

Orange, Texas

Visual symbols

Thank you for running in the December issue the splendid photo essay based on the paintings of the martyrdom by Gary Smith. These paintings are among the most powerful and moving in the entire history of LDS art. They demonstrate the importance of visual symbols in the discovery and understanding of our history.

Leonard J. Arrington
Church Historian

To open the curtains

I enjoyed the article “Hold Hands with God.” Many times I find myself trying to open the curtains that conceal the choice spirits of these children. They are such beautiful examples of the splendid creations of God. Why do I think so? Because my sister is like Cindy. Being away from home for a year has made me appreciate so much more the wonderful blessing my sister is to my family. Although she can’t talk well, her wonderful spirit manifests itself by the true spirit of love.

Elder Allan Maruji
Quebec Mission

The story of youth

“There’s Such a Thing as Joey” in the September issue tells the story of youth with real poignancy. The thoughts of a young boy about life and love are too easily forgotten. The memories that are reawakened by this story bring tears to the eyes and joy to the heart. Elaine S. McKay is to be thanked deeply for her insight and talent.

Elder P. Sparks
Travr/Linz, Austria

From a teaching standpoint

Let me say thanks for the excellent quality of the New Era and Ensign magazines. From a teaching standpoint it is nice to be able to quote the prophets and other learned LDS people. Having such excellent articles to help illustrate gospel principles is much appreciated.

Dennis Sampson
Institute Director, Kalispell Institute of Religion
Kalispell, Montana

Getting prepared

It’s such a lovely warm feeling to read the “feedback” on how people are catching the vision of missionary work. I was out tracting with the October New Era today, and the headline “It’s Your Time—What Will You Do with It?” caught my eye. Right now we’re here to prepare people for the Second Coming, but how many of us are getting prepared? Too often we don’t appreciate things until we’re away from them, and since I’ve been on my mission, I’ve grown to appreciate the spirit of the New Era. I pray we’ll all be able to prepare ourselves and heed the counsel and advice from our leaders.

Sister Anne Taylor
England North Mission

How about TV?

I enjoy the articles in the New Era on the various careers. Within a year or so I will be entering, finally, into my chosen field, television engineering. I am sure there are many young Latter-day Saints who would like to know more about a career in the various aspects of television. My case is rather unusual in that I think I’m the first woman in the San Diego area to go into television engineering.

Charlotte Sutton
San Diego, California
