May 1974
What Is True Repentance?
Spencer W. Kimball
The Role of the Deacon
Vaughn J. Featherstone
The Role of the Teacher
H. Burke Peterson
The Role of the Priest
Victor L. Brown
“Yes, You Are Old Enough, Girls”
Ardeth G. Kapp
One Yard, with Everything, to Go!
Moana B. Bennett
FYI: For Your Information
Q&A: Questions and Answers
Do you think our temple architects have been inspired?
Dan Farr
How does the principle of presidency work in Aaronic Priesthood quorums?
Robert Backman
Teenage Pioneer: The Adventures of Margaret Judd Clawson
Gordon Irving
Photo of the Month
“Photo of the Month,” New Era, May 1974, 51
Photo of the Month by Joe Heiner