“Contents,” New Era, June 1974 New Era June 1974 Volume 4, Number 6 Contents Departments Feedback The Message: “Even as Christ Forgave”Elder Marion D. Hanks Mormonisms FYI: For Your Information Stories from the General Authorities: Advice to a SonPresident S. Dilworth Young Photo of the MonthDave Hatch Feature Articles The New BrethrenLowell M. Durham, Jr. Excerpts from Talks Given at the One Hundred and Forty-Fourth Annual General Conference of the Church Goosebumps at the PlaymillPeggy Wiseman Adventure of White Water River RunningBishop Vaughn J. Featherstone Some Free-Wheeling Tips on BikingRodger Dean Duncan Samuel D. ChambersWilliam G. Hartley Fiction and Poetry CharlyJack Weyland “And if ye keep my commandments …”Flo Fleury [Illustration] Cover by Dick Brown