June 1974

“Feedback,” New Era, June 1974, 2


The best books

We have found the New Era to be extremely valuable in helping teach our investigators the truth about the restored gospel of Jesus Christ. We can’t express how much each issue inspires us to do the Lord’s work. We’re sure this is the kind of reading the Lord was referring to when he said: “… seek ye out of the best books words of wisdom; seek learning, even by study and also by faith.” (D&C 88:118.)

Elder Steven Campbell
Gulf States Mission


The New Era is super cool. It is the neatest in the nation. I look forward to mine each month. I really enjoyed the article in March about the Hansen brothers. They sound like a real cool family. I wish I could meet them.

Ruth Ann Strate
Spring City, Utah

A hand back

Thank you for such a fantastic magazine. I was slipping away from the Church, and the New Era has really helped me back.

Michele Colleen Boots
Costa Mesa, California

Pioneer women

I love the New Era. There are many faithful readers out here who really are thankful to be able to read it month by month. I especially enjoyed reading “Latter-day Saint Women on the Arizona Frontier” in the April issue. It is true that little is usually said about the LDS pioneer women, and this article was a real spiritual uplift to me. It revealed the strength and courage that these women had during all their hardships. It was so inspiring to me that I can’t describe it in words.

Brigitte Cruz
Reno, Nevada

New Era repair kit

We in the mission field are always uplifted and strengthened by the word of God that comes to us through the New Era, and investigators love the magazine too. Each issue is alive and modern yet refreshing and spiritual, untainted by the immorality so prevalent in much of today’s literature. As if that weren’t enough, our district leader even used a stack of New Eras to replace a broken leg on his bed!

Elder Mark G. Dixon
England North Mission

“There it was!”

Wow! What an answer to prayer! Letters from home are always a bright part of the week for missionaries, but when a letter from a precious little sister indicated she needed some close sisterly advice, I felt more than a little helpless since I am so far away. What could I write to help her without being preachy? In practically the same mailing we received some copies of past New Eras. I started thumbing through the issue I had managed to talk the elders out of (August 1973) and read “The Winner” by Judy Kay Welch. There it was! The very illustration I needed for her. Nobody can tell me there wasn’t a guiding hand in my receiving that particular New Era and that special letter at the same time.

If I had written every time the New Era has helped me you would have received a mountain of letters from me by now. I thank the Lord for parents who have always recognized the importance of the Church magazines in our home.

Sister Evelyn Smith
Bolivia Mission

Little sacrifices

I appreciated “Joseph Smith’s Missionary Journal” in the February issue. I am proud to represent the Church here in Brazil, and I hope that you continue telling about the lives of these great men and the sacrifices they made. Many of the early Saints sealed their testimonies with their blood, but how often do we complain about the little sacrifices we are asked to make? Thanks for the influence to do good the New Era carries into the lives of its readers.

Elder Henry D. Marsh
Brazil North Mission

Not just words

As missionaries in central Germany we often find ourselves relating the Joseph Smith story to people during the day. This story sometimes becomes just words to us, and we often do not realize the importance of it. The December issue of the New Era really helped us to realize the magnitude of Joseph Smith’s calling and its importance to the whole world. The issue was and still is a terrific inspiration to us. In our district we have all read it three or four times and often turn to it for strength and support.

Elders William R. Shupe and David R. Zilles
Germany Central Mission


My companion and I surely enjoy the articles that come out each month in the New Era. We both feel it is the best contemporary publication for the self-improvement of young people. It was described in one word by one of our contacts: “Super!”

Elders John H. Bennion and Paul K. Gibbons
England Southwest Mission

Brother Sadler today

Brother Sadler’s story was very interesting. We enjoyed the information about Scouting’s founder Baden-Powell. All of us would like to see a recent photo of what Brother Sadler looks like at 82 years of age.

J. Grant Woodrow
Whangarei, New Zealand

Laughing in the right places

While rereading the January issue of the New Era, I found, much to my pleasant surprise, that “Home Cooking” by Jack Weyland still contained its original magic. The second time through I still laughed in all the right places. The story portrays not just university life but Mormon university life, and what a difference! The modern language (“Utah Mormons”), the plot, and the characters all echoed real life and its challenges as they appear to LDS students. I offer my congratulations to Brother Weyland on an outstanding contribution and am looking forward to more articles containing the same refreshing insight and subtle comment.

John Barrus
Provo, Utah

This photo of Brother Sadler was taken a little over a year ago
