FYI: For Your Information
July 1974

“FYI: For Your Information,” New Era, July 1974, 47

For Your Information

Lamanite Youths Leaders for Righteousness

More than 200 Lamanite youths met in Salt Lake recently to participate in speech, talent, art, and handcraft competitions as well as share testimonies and hear from President Spencer W. Kimball.

President Kimball told the youths that “time is precious” and “opportunities are precious,” adding that “there is no time to linger or to waste.”

The conference was one of three held in separate locations during a two-week period. Riverside, California, and Spokane, Washington, were the sites of other conferences. All were geared toward recognizing talents and skills as well as meeting in spiritual fellowship.

The Salt Lake group was entertained by the “Lamanite Extravaganza,” staged by Indian students from BYU.

The youth also attended the Sunday-morning broadcast of the Tabernacle Choir, following which they heard from President Kimball at a youth devotional.

“Your ancestors have seen the Son, Jesus Christ, in the flesh, and have heard his voice and been instructed by him,” said President Kimball. “There isn’t any other power in the world that can bring us unto our destiny except the gospel of Jesus Christ and His atoning sacrifice.”

He counseled the youths, “Your lives must be put in order and kept in order. Each of you has the special responsibility to defend the Lord and his gospel—to live his gospel.”

“You go back home and grow until you are great leaders among your people for righteousness,” President Kimball said.

Clean Up for the Bicentennial

The First Presidency has given full endorsement to local and national programs of community cleanup throughout the United States, being urged by the National Bicentennial Commission.

The three-year program designed to improve American’s communities includes beautification and cleanup projects relating to schools, public buildings, and churches.

The endorsement of the community cleanup effort agrees with past counsel given Churchwide for all Latter-day Saint meetinghouses, schools, seminaries, and temples to be among the most beautiful and attractive buildings of their communities.

This counsel of Church leaders extends also to the homes, farms, fences, barns, buildings, and other properties of Church members everywhere who should strive constantly to improve the appearance of their communities.

As the various communities of the nation make similar commitments to the National Bicentennial Commission, Latter-day Saints are urged by the First Presidency to fully support their local cleanup and beautification efforts.

The End of an Interstate

Going to MIA is no longer an interstate situation for Church members in Aiken, South Carolina.

The 23 youths of the Aiken Branch, Columbia South Carolina Stake, are no longer traveling to Augusta, Georgia, for their weekly Aaronic Priesthood MIA meeting.

To celebrate their new meeting place closer to home, the group held an opening social to initiate their building as classroom, cultural hall, and chapel for all future meetings.

The youth enjoyed games and food, as well as joining in for a dance.

A Bridge That Spans More Than Space

London Bridge is moving.

Moving up record charts across the nation that is. The LDS trio is currently seeing its single “When I Fall in Love” becoming a regular on both middle-of-the-road and soft rock radio stations.

Right now the group has temporarily disbanded while Rex Kocherhans, 20, and Bill Bacon, 19, serve missions. They entered the mission field in January, Bill to the Germany West Mission and Rex to the California Mission. The third member of the group, Jeff Kocherhans, Rex’s brother, hopes to be called in September when he will be 19. The trio plans to reunite when each member returns.

In addition to their contemporary and soft sound, the group tries to project the image each one of them feels is consistent with the standards of the Church.

“When we started over three years ago, we made one non-negotiable rule,” recalls Jeff. “There would be no songs with questionable lyrics and no music, however popular, that might be at variance with Church teachings or be offensive to our LDS brothers and sisters.”

It hasn’t always been easy for them. “It’s difficult to find popular numbers that don’t celebrate sexual immorality, drug abuse, or otherwise advocate a life-style opposed to what we know to be right,” says Jeff.

Rex believes members of the Church will someday take an active lead in contemporary music. “We can see that faithful Church members are achieving excellence in many areas because the Church—the strongest organization in the world—gives them the strength. We think Mormons will lead the way in music, too, and we’d like to be part of that achievement. We know it’s possible to be competitive in modern music and maintain Church standards at the same time.”

The group spent last summer at a Los Angeles entertainment park and had invitations to perform at both Disneyland and Disneyworld.

The trio has traveled more than 25,000 miles throughout Canada and the United States in the past two years on concert tours. They have performed for students at seminaries and institutes as well.

Jeff is attending Brigham Young University, where Bill and Rex were enrolled prior to their missions. Recording work and other appearances were scheduled around university classwork. After returning from their missions the three will continue in school, with recording sessions and concert dates arranged during vacation periods. They met in Provo and started their group while in high school.

Although their sound is described as “easy listening rock,” Bill recognizes that some Church members, especially the “over 30’s,” may not share the group’s taste in music, but he adds, “I believe they approve of what we’re doing. And if they don’t? We want to know about it.”

Realizing that they may be idolized by youth who have longed for a recording career or the possibility to be famous, Jeff recognizes the responsibility they have. “Some of the ‘idols’ around today aren’t the kinds parents want their children to follow. We try to conduct our lives so that any influence we have on people is for good and not for bad. We try to set the right example.”

Next time you hear that London Bridge is falling down—don’t believe it.

Active Scout Is Pineapple Picker, Too

Working as a pineapple picker in Hawaii and attending the World Scout Jamboree in Japan help qualify Richard M. Edmunds as a world traveler.

Richard was an Eagle Scout before his 13th birthday and has since earned his Triple Silver Palm—nine awards beyond the Eagle.

Having attended every Brigham Young University Scout Pow-Wow for the past five years, Richard has also taken the National Junior Leadership Instruction Course at Philmont, New Mexico, on a scholarship.

While in Hawaii last summer he served as music chairman and Sunday School teacher.

At Springville (Utah) High School Richard was president of his seminary class and an honor student.

Explorer Wins National Science Scholarship

Richard D. Thomas’ interest in astronomy has earned him a $2,400 college scholarship and a chance to join professional scientists in actual research projects or expeditions.

Richard, of Malad, New Jersey, has been named as one of eight young men and women Explorers selected from across the country to be so honored.

He will receive the $2,400 college scholarship and later be assigned to a field science experience. Previous winners have spent summers in Nepal studying carnivorous animals, mapping an underwater reef in the Bahamas, and studying glacial movements in the Alaskan icefields.

Richard, a high school sophomore, is planning a career in astrophotography or radio-astronomy.

He is president of Explorer Post 458 sponsored by the Church. In addition he is president of his teachers quorum and is a licensed amateur radio operator (call letters WN7VKE).

Highlights of Richard’s trip to New York to accept the scholarship included a tour of lower Manhattan, a visit to the Museum of Primitive Art, and a tour of the United Nations involving talks with U.N. scientific personnel.

Beehive Artist Is Safety Advocate

Linda Kemple, 13-year-old Latter-day Saint from Las Vegas, Nevada, has been named first place winner in this year’s regional California State Automobile Association School Traffic Safety Contest. Linda’s winning entry was selected from over 2,600 eligible entries from throughout California and Nevada.

The primary purpose of the contest was to promote interest in safety through artistic means among young people from kindergarten through high school. The winning entries now go on to national competition.

Linda, an honor student, serves as second counselor in her Beehive class in the Las Vegas 25th Ward.

BYU Advance Registration Ends July 11

Brigham Young University has adopted an advance registration system for fall semester. Registration forms have been mailed to students who are eligible for registration, and these must be completed and returned to the BYU Registration Office before July 11.

Registration finalization will take place August 29, 30, and 31. The specific times of registration finalization are listed in the fall semester Class Schedule.

Eligible students who may not have received their registration forms should write the Registration Office, B-130 ASB, Provo, Utah 84602. Registration forms will be accepted after July 11; however, students submitting forms after that date will have a smaller chance of receiving desired classes.

Nevada Teacher Attends Capital Seminars

John Eric Leach, who just completed his sophomore year of high school, recently returned from a week-long visit to Washington, D.C., where he attended seminars on government.

Selected as “Outstanding Sophomore in Nevada,” John is an honor student and member of the Sparks Third Ward, Sparks Nevada Stake.

In addition to high scholarship, John is an avid thinclad who holds his home-state freshman record for the mile run.

John is an Eagle Scout, who has earned the Duty to God Trail awards for three years, and an active teacher, serving as secretary to his quorum. He is also an early morning seminary student who has set a 100 percent attendance goal.

The Smallest Part
by Neal A. Maxwell
Deseret Book Co. $3.95, pp. 78

“Our life-style and our work are outward expressions of our inner beliefs.” Beginning with this basic concept, Neal Maxwell discusses the impact of an individual’s beliefs on his powers of communication:

“Since the scriptures, ancient and modern, speak of the time when because ‘iniquity shall bound, the love of many shall wax cold,’ can we really ignore iniquity when it diminishes our capacity to love our fellowmen—in a world where the need for love exceeds the mortal supply? How we see each other and our situations determines how much we feel each other’s elbows, how much we will excuse, endure, and expect from others.”

Part one of the book discusses expanded outlooks on truth, morality, and causality in the Christian world. In part two Brother Maxwell deals with the practical application of Christian morality to everyday dealings with others in the areas of “managing tasks and time” and “helping and communicating.”

The book contains many valuable charts and illustrations designed by the author and based on quotations from such prominent thinkers and moralists as C. S. Lewis and Anne Morrow Lindbergh.

“Behold, I say unto you, I cannot say the smallest part which I feel,” said Ammon in the book of Alma. Neal Maxwell echoes this sentiment in the first pages of his book. The “smallest part” of his expression, however, still offers valuable guidance for leaders, parents, teachers, and communicators and provides thoughtful insights for every reader.

Powerful Stories from the Lives of Latter-day Saint Men
by Leon R. Hartshorn
Deseret Book Co., $4.95 pp. 293

Stories of inspiration, determination, insight, and humor in the lives of 30 prominent Latter-day Saint men are collected in this volume, with accompanying photographs and biographical sketches of each man.

The list is a varied one, covering Church members from the early days of organization to the present, and includes such personalities as Harmon Killebrew, Billy Casper, J. Golden Kimball, and Steven R. Covey. These are men of wide diversity: athletes, scholars, pioneers, apostles, war heroes, youth leaders, and educators, all brought together in the framework of the gospel and in telling its effect on their lives.

Many of the stories are taken directly from the lives of the men who tell them; for instance, James S. Brown’s account of his miraculous escape from Tahitian villagers intent upon having “a fine, fat, missionary roast.” Some of the stories are messages of inspiration, such as Wendell J. Ashton’s tribute to Wait Disney. Still others are full of quiet smiles, like Ben E. Rich’s whimsical account of his boyhood encounter with Brigham Young. Also included are excerpts from journals, speeches, and such books as How to Succeed with People and the New Billy Casper.

Powerful Stories from the Lives of Latter-day Saint Men is not only useful as a source book for quotable material, but it provides entertaining and inspirational reading as well.

Roughing It Easy
by Dian Thomas
Brigham Young University Press, $4.95, pp. 203

You may be a strictly weenie-and-marshmallow camper, but Dian Thomas’ new book on living it up on outdoor cooking is bound to change that. Gone are the limitations to simple one-pot meals and doughy rolls. You may never have envisioned cooking an egg inside an onion or a cake within a hollowed-out orange, but this is just a start.

A chicken can be baked by stuffing it with hot stones, bacon and eggs can be cooked on a heated rock, sourdough bread in a cardboard-box oven, and pineapple upside-down cake in a dutch oven. If you happen to forget your matches, hamburgers, among other foods, can be cooked on the manifold of your car. In fact, if you can cook a meal in your home, you’ll soon learn to prepare the same dishes outdoors, according to Miss Thomas.

Beginning with the planning stages, choosing a campsite, and the basics of building a fire, the book is complete with detailed photographs and illustrations. Various cooking methods, including reflector and dutch oven, tin can, spit, grill, kettle, stick, pit, cardboard box, and paper sack and cup, are pictured along with recommendations for meals. The book is complete with recipes, many traditional (corn on the cob, baked beans, hamburger stew) and many more falling into an outdoorsman’s gourmet category (miniature meat loaf in cabbage leaves, stuffed zucchini, beef stroganoff, fruit kebab, pizza). There are several yeast and sourdough bread recipes along with some noncook foods such as no-bake fudge, almond punch, and pudding cones.

Charts are included to determine dry weights as well as servings, recipe cooking times, and substitutions (one cup of buttermilk may be substituted with one tablespoon vinegar or lemon juice in enough milk to make one cup; let stand for five minutes).

Roughing It Easy makes you want to head for your favorite campsite, utensils in one hand, book in the other. It will certainly change your views from mere survival in the out-of-doors to one of culinary skills resulting in dining fit for a king.

President Spencer W. Kimball addresses the Lamanite youths. With him are Sister Hortense Child, first counselor in the young women’s presidency of the Aaronic Priesthood MIA, Brother Jack Goaslind, second counselor in the young men’s presidency, and Sister Carolyn Hunsaker, member of the general board

London Bridge has temporarily disbanded while Bill (left) and Rex (right) serve missions. Jeff (center) attends Brigham Young University

Bill Bacon and Jeff and Rex Kocherhans—London Bridge—are committed to LDS standards of excellence in the music they play. They believe that Church members will one day take the lead in contemporary music
