July 1975

“Feedback,” New Era, July 1975, 2


Nice Try

You blew it! On page 40 of the New Era, the puzzlement is impossible to complete unless one spells Delbert L. Stapley’s name Stapely. Nice try.

Thomas W. Grow
Modesto, California

This is not an April fools joke is it? Stapley is spelled Stapely in your April puzzlement. I just wanted you to know someone cares enough to notice.

Dale Knipp

Have the Brethren called a new General Authority without letting us know? Your puzzle in the April New Era has two Tuttles, whereas your answer page and the First Council of the Seventy have only one each. Can you find the extra one? (Hint: the answer page doesn’t show it because of two letters switched around in the printing.)

Elder Tony Jacobs
New Zealand Wellington Mission

Everybody’s right. The same two-letter switch that eliminates the second Tuttle from the answer page also corrects the misspelling of Elder Stapley’s name. Unfortunately we forgot to make the same switch on the puzzle itself. Editor.

I finally did it

Well, I finally did it! I read a New Era from cover to cover. Usually I thumb through the pages, reading only what catches my eye and leaving the longer, “deeper” articles for later. After that I don’t usually pick it up again because I never seem to have time. So when I received the March issue, I was determined to read every word. Not allowing myself to look ahead, I took one article at a time. I never rushed my reading, but put my best concentration into it. I am happy to report that I enjoyed the entire magazine. Better yet, I intend to make this a habit in the future and also read the New Eras I already have stacked up.

Shannon Saville
Govenlock, Saskatchewan, Canada

The most beautiful Christmas present

I live in Iceland, and I’m not a Mormon. I didn’t know what the New Era was until Christmas of 1974 when my Mormon pen friend Bryce from Portland gave me a year’s subscription. No one could give a more beautiful Christmas present. I especially liked the story “A Christmas Song” in the December issue. I also enjoyed “Among My People Again” in the January issue. I read the New Era from cover to cover and look forward to getting it each month.

Katrin Kjartandsdottir
Keflavik, Iceland

To the unknown giver

As an investigator who has been receiving the New Era for the past several months through an unknown benefactor, I should like to express my deep gratitude. This excellent publication has brought many hours of pleasurable, informative, and spirit-lifting reading. I want to thank the unknown giver on behalf of my whole family.

James E. Nelson
Spokane, Washington

Just for us

That fantastic article entitled “Are You Ready to Be a Disciple of Christ” in the April New Era struck us in a beautiful way. We missionaries here in Spokane recently participated in a wonderful conference on the same subject. It was as though our Father in heaven had inspired the New Era to print it at this time just for us. We hope others were similarly inspired. What a tremendous message for the Easter season when we contemplate the atonement of Christ and the resurrection.

Elder Timothy Greenwood
Washington Seattle Mission

In touch with my faith

Thanks for the New Era. I’m a new member (two years), and until recently I didn’t understand what a Latter-day Saint girl represents. As a result, I haven’t always been the member I should. I sometimes slept late on Sundays and skipped meetings (seems I was too busy). Through the New Era I did keep in touch with my faith, however, and now I’m finding my way back. A large part of this is due to the New Era. I just wish it came two or three times a month.

Pam Murphy
Greensboro, North Carolina

Happy down under

I really enjoyed the March issue of the New Era. We people down under feel a bit neglected sometimes, and hearing about those three really great guys, the Ormsby Brothers, really made my friends and me feel happy. It’s nice to share some of our Church and talent news with everyone else who reads the New Era.

Karyn Smith
Sydney, Australia

New Era travel bureau

I enjoyed “Mexico City by Metro” in the April New Era. It taught me a lot about the ancient and modern sights in Mexico City as well as the experiences the young people had while touring the city. I like articles that give me a chance to “visit” places I will never see otherwise.

Allyson Lindsay
Los Altos, California

“There’s no one listening”

Thank you for the article about the Osmonds. I love their music, and I enjoy reading the New Era because it’s a great help to me. I’m still a nonmember, but since I heard about the gospel I’m much happier, and I know I have contact with God. The New Era is the only help I get because I can’t go to church. My parents are against the Church, although they are wonderful people, and the only one who shares my ideas is my friend Ida. Every day I want to tell people about the gospel and how happy I am, but there’s no one listening. So I always look forward to seeing the next New Era.

Marjo Visser
Leeuwarder, The Netherlands

Let’s be happy

I really enjoy the New Era. It is great to see what the Mormon youth are doing for the world. I have found the New Era helpful in helping investigators see the fruits of the gospel. The gospel is true, so let’s be happy.

Elder Jeffrey M. Scott
Australia Adelaide Mission

Face language

We of the Mexico Hermosillo Mission would like to take this opportunity to thank you for the New Era. Its spirit and testimony-building value cannot be adequately expressed in words but can be seen in the faces of the missionaries when they come into my office asking if the current issue has arrived yet.

Elder William F. Hurd
Mexico Hermosillo Mission

Ernstein’s in Florida

Thank you for that beautiful story “Jensen and Ernstein” in the February issue of the New Era. The story reminds me of some of the experiences my brother, who is a missionary in Florida, has shared with us. “Jensen and Ernstein” brings tears to my eyes each time I read it.

Sue Ellen Emery
Chatham, Illinois

At least one

Every time I read the New Era, I find at least one article that relates to something that’s been on my mind. The stories always make a great impression on me and strengthen my testimony.

Linda Roselle
Kirkland, Washington


The New Era is an unusually fine publication, and the February issue was even better than most. I especially benefited from “Communication: No Deposit, No Return,” “Spiritual Ecology,” and “Jensen and Ernstein.” “Jensen and Ernstein” has a ring of reality and several layers of meaning and interest. It has dimension and contrast. The author has achieved the same effect as dissonance in music or complementary colors in painting.

Mary Campbell
Orono, Maine

Under pressure

I thought you might be interested in this photo of a bus that I saw parked on Temple Square.

Royce Bair
Salt Lake City, Utah

Friends at home

We enjoy the New Era very much and look forward to each issue. We find the New Era helpful not only in the missionary work here in Norway but with inactive members and nonmember friends at home.

The Hamar Norway Missionaries