undefined undefined Feedback
December 1975

“Feedback,” New Era, Dec. 1975, 2


“Right into my heart”

I’m a Swedish reader of the New Era. It’s a super magazine, and I love to read every word of it. I got it from a friend in Provo, Utah, as a Christmas present, and now I can’t be without it for a single month. The Church has made me happier I’m feeling free. My life is much richer now. Even my mom says I’m always glad now and always help her when she needs help. Now I do my homework properly too. My English is getting much better now so I can write to my friends in Provo and read the New Era more easily! Right now I’m waiting for the August issue. I liked “There Is a Law” in the July issue. The message, “John and Mary, Beginning Life Together,” in the June issue has gone right into my heart, and I’ve read it over and over again! I’m still a nonmember, but I think I’ll soon be ready for baptism. May God bless you.

Marie Jonsson
Sundbyberg, Sweden

A special place

Laboring in New Zealand as missionaries we particularly enjoyed the article “Miracles” by Elder Matthew Cowley in the June New Era. Laboring in the same area that Elder Cowley served in is truly a choice experience. He is loved and respected by both members and nonmembers alike. His name holds a special place in the Maori language. We look forward to the New Era, not only for its spiritual uplift, but also for its value as a missionary tool.

Elders James Bear, Rod Hughes, Sheldon Wittwer, and Verdel Sullivan
New Zealand Auckland Mission

New Era wilderness survival ration

I worked four months this summer in the Old Faithful area in Yellowstone National Park, and the thing I missed most was being the first one to read the New Era. For those four months I was the last one, and it was a month late; but when it came, it was a real treat. Working in the park was like being out of contact with the outside world. There was no TV and very few radio stations that could be picked up, so when I finally received the New Era, it was the only entertainment available. There was also a lot of missionary work to be done there. Several nonmembers thumbed through the New Era and came up with many questions. Thanks again for a wonderful magazine.

Janice Bloomer
Mesa, Arizona

I couldn’t stop

Thanks so much for the inspiring magazine. I sent for it in June, and it took two months to get here, but I finally got it. I started reading and couldn’t stop. I am 18 and the only member in my family, and I love the New Era.

Lynne Crouse
Kirkland, Washington

Boos from Abinadi

Thanks for the wonderful and inspirational magazine. I look forward each month to reading the helpful things that you print. I especially appreciated “Dear Journal” in the August issue and the poetry in almost every issue. The New Era really strengthens my testimony. However, I’m not so sure my kitten Abinadi is quite as enthusiastic about it as I am when she finds that something else is occupying my lap.

Carrie J. Waiswan
Massapequa, New York

Feedback feedback

Thanks for your feedback department. Even when I can’t finish all of the New Era. I read that part. In the September 1975 issue I was especially impressed by two letters. The first was Richard Kenealy’s. He seems to be a man of strong faith and courage, and I can guarantee you he’s one man I’ll pray for. The second letter contained advice from Arnold J. Amenda. He knows what he’s talking about, and coming from a climbing family myself, I give the same advice. I’m going to start reading every New Era, old and new.

Karen Hart
Redmond, Washington

The young woman and athletics

I really enjoyed the September issue of the New Era, especially the sports-related articles “Is It Raining?” and “The Aaronic Priesthood Holder and Athletics.” I am a female athlete and play guard for the Atkins High School senior girls’ basketball team. I am the only member of the Church on my team, and my two brothers are the only other members in my school. Although I’m not an Aaronic Priesthood holder, I found that Bishop Featherstone’s article applies equally well to those athletes who honor the priesthood. This article will be a great influence for me during the coming basketball season.

Kim Horn
Atkins, Arkansas

“I know it’s raining now!”

I was thoroughly impressed by the article “Is It Raining?” in the September New Era. Although I’ve been a member of the Church all my life, I still hadn’t gained a testimony that I knew the Church was true. I guess I was waiting for lightning to strike. Then I read the words “It’s like you’ve been standing out in the rain … and you know you’re getting drenched through and through by the sure, steady rain, but you look up and say, ‘Lord, is it raining—please, I’ve got to know for sure.’” As I read that, a calm came over me, and right then I knew it was true. Thanks so much for that article. I know it’s raining now!

C. L. Cutler
Pocatello, Idaho

Forgotten valley

The name of the junior college Gary Sheide attended is Diablo Valley Junior College, not just Diablo Junior College. I know because I got my A.A. degree there.

Stephen Christensen
Long Island, New York


I felt like I just found a gold mine! While correlating some lessons in the Beehive manual to articles in the New Era, I found that in just five issues (October, November, December of 1974; August and September of 1975) I could find approximately six articles per lesson that would help me. I had been complaining for months that the lessons didn’t seem to fit my girls and their problems. Now I have no cause to complain. With the examples and articles in the New Era I have all the last-minute information I need to make my lessons interesting and fun. Most of all, the New Era helps me to know what the “in” thing is—whether it be tie-dying, making pickles, or sewing for snow. There is no excuse now for dull activities. So congratulations! The Beehive advisers of the Church salute you. Just think what would have happened if I had correlated all of the magazines to the lesson manual!

Brenda Bloxham
Salt Lake City, Utah

How else?

I’m currently a nonmember but hope to be baptized soon. The New Era has been a great help in increasing my knowledge of the Lord’s true church. I’d also like to thank a special friend—Laurie Petersen of Riverton, Utah—who sent me a gift subscription. She’s also spent hours answering my many questions about Church doctrine. Without a doubt The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is the only true church on this earth! How else could its members be so beautiful?

Debbie Ross
Wallingford, Pennsylvania

A bit extra special

I have grown from many of the articles and stories in the New Era, but I am writing especially because of the article “Her Hands Speak Louder Than Words” in the September issue. I really marvel at sign language for the deaf and admire Tamara for her ability. I took a course in signing last year and wish I could learn more. I have never had the opportunity of speaking to a deaf person, let alone interpret for one, but just knowing that I could if I had the chance is a wonderful feeling. We are all children of God, but I believe that those who are deaf are a bit extra special. I am grateful for the hearing I have. Thanks for a special article.

Debra Marcum
Tetonia, Idaho

A little light

I’m a missionary in the Thailand Bangkok Mission and really love the mission field. The Thai people are great, and I love studying the gospel. We have many old New Eras here, and I love the messages in each one of them. In the July issue Elder Christiansen answered a question about Satan reading our thoughts. He had a very good answer and I enjoyed reading it. I also found a scripture that will shed a little light on the subject. It says: “There is none else save God that knowest thy thoughts and the intents of thy heart.” (D&C 6:16.) It helped to clarify the answer in my mind.

Elder Douglas A. Jones
Thailand Bangkok Mission


I have been a member of the Church all my life, and I feel that the New Era and other Church magazines have been of great help in keeping me informed of the activities of the Saints in other parts of the world. While holidaying in Australia I met two 17-year-old girls who have been attending church for nine months in spite of strong family opposition. I discovered that they too love reading the magazines. I had not realized before how much of an influence these wonderful magazines could have on the lives of people who are still nonmembers. It strengthens my testimony to know that these two girls have accepted the gospel and receive the benefits of reading Church publications—benefits that I have received all my life.

Kiri Noda
Huntly, New Zealand