undefined undefined Feedback
January 1976

“Feedback,” New Era, Jan. 1976, 2


Even landladies

I am a missionary in the Scotland Edinburgh Mission. My mother sent me a subscription to the New Era, and I really look forward to each issue. My landlady couldn’t appreciate temple marriage until she read President Kimball’s article “John and Mary, Beginning Life Together.” Now she is asking questions about the Church! And keep those Jack Weyland stories coming. He is a fantastic writer!

Elder Russell Jenkins
Scotland Edinburgh Mission


I would like to express my appreciation for the New Era. I always read all the way through each issue, mainly because I enjoy it so much and partly because once a month at youth activity night we have a New Era Bowl. Every month in feedback I read letters from people who are inspired by certain articles, but I think that every article is fantastic. I just love the photography and poetry. If I wrote you a letter every time an article inspired me, I would be writing five or ten letters each month.

Zack Soelberg
Grand Junction, Colorado

Third thoughts

The story “Second Thoughts” in the September New Era was excellent and so true. It should be pointed out that the situation can be reversed, as neither boys nor girls are free from getting judged wrongfully with regards to dating. The story did imply, however, that mission presidents are usually older, retired people. Here in my mission President and Sister Bradshaw certainly disprove that statement.

Elder Neil Thomas
California San Diego Mission

50-page missionary companion

On a recent trip to Illinois I took along the September New Era. It proved to be a good companion while I was waiting for planes. But it was on the return trip that it showed its true worth.

I met a woman from Missouri who had heard of our church from some missionaries but had told them she was satisfied with her religion. After talking for an hour I showed her the New Era and explained a little about our youth programs. She asked to read it, and she turned right to the story of Gary Sheide’s conversion. She read it, asking questions all the while. I prayed that in some way she would be touched by what she read. Three and a half hours later I said goodbye to her as we landed in Salt Lake City. I left the plane with a four-dollar check for a subscription to the New Era, her address, and high hopes. She is interested now, and I’d just like to say thanks to Gary Sheide, Elaine McKay, and the New Era for helping me talk about the gospel. It was a beautiful and new experience.

Laurie A. McCausland
Pleasant Grove, Utah

New Era adoption agency

I just have to thank you for the New Era. It really brightens my day. Just recently I read one through from cover to cover and then lent it to a girl friend. She quickly devoured every word, and then I took it to my place of employment—the Jackson Hole Playhouse Theater—where it was passed around one evening. One of the guys in the cast “adopted” it, and I haven’t seen it since! I am an investigator of the Church, and I can’t express in words how much the New Era has helped me in my studies. In fact, you may wish to know that I plan to be baptized.

Cindy Shufeldt
Jackson, Wyoming

The things that counted

I recently returned from Frankfurt, Germany, where I spent 16 months in the service. I was the only member of the Church among 200 men. When the trials came and the pressures were really on, the New Era and the teachings it presents were the things that counted the most. I give thanks to the Lord for the New Era.

Steve Swenson
Logan, Utah

Gospel and groundstrokes

The article about Kristine Clark in the October New Era was really great. As an aspiring, but not very skillful, tennis player, I really appreciated the advice. I also loved the photo essay “In the Beginning.” “More of Us to Find” was also fantastic! It left me in tears. If we have such fine youth in all our wards, we are going to have a wonderful group of upcoming leaders. The whole October issue was superb! I also thought the visitors center for Kwang Ju, Korea, was a nifty idea.

Mrs. Helen Lovdahl
Oakland, California

No question about it

I am a sophomore in high school, and I really love the New Era. The craft ideas are really neat, and the personal and school tips are super. Last month my best friend was baptized, and I gave her a year’s subscription to your magazine. The question and answer section is my favorite, and I’m sure it helps a lot of people.

Teri Sawyer
Highland, California

At war

We are missionaries in the England London Mission, and we enjoy reading the New Era after we come in from work. It lifts us up when we get discouraged. We really enjoyed the article “If Thou Art Willing” in the August edition. It helped us to remember the importance of prayer and not to wait for an emergency before praying. We find ourselves at war also. We’re in the Lord’s army, and we’ll come out with flying colors too.

Elders B. J. Caldwell and B. E. Page
England London Mission

Bravo Booneville!

The Memphis Tennessee Stake seminary teacher, Larry Tippets, was very pleased to learn that we now have the New Era in every seminary student’s home here in Booneville. He asked me to let you know about this. The New Era is in the home of every Aaronic Priesthood leader and most of the other youth. We have 25 students enrolled in seminary and are happy they all have the New Era to help them grow in the gospel.

Ramona Floyd
Booneville, Mississippi

“The Angels May Quote from It”

We have had the New Era in our home since it first came out. At first I just read the fiction and the Mormonisms and the rest if I got bored. Now I let myself enjoy the whole issue every month. “The Angels May Quote from It” by President Kimball in the October issue was especially great. I started a journal because it was fun when we had to keep one for a week in my English class in school. Since that time I have heard many Church leaders talk about the importance of keeping our own personal journal. My Book of Mormon class requires us to keep one. This message helps me realize how important it is that I write my ideas and experiences and record how I overcome problems and grow spiritually. I don’t want to have Jesus say to me, “Was it not so? … How be it that ye have not written this thing?” Thank you for this great magazine. The New Era is the best medicine for depression and other spiritual ailments. It works!

Rebecca Ream
Dingle, Idaho

Whizzing past

I have not as yet read the New Era completely through, but I would like to give you my thanks and appreciation for the articles you publish. I am 17, and my family has been in the Church since I was seven. I haven’t really understood everything about the Church, because I grew up so fast that the Church seemed to whiz past me. Through the New Era I have found that I appreciate the Church, gospel, and our Heavenly Father very much. I wish to say a special thanks for “Dear Journal” in the August issue. I never really thought of writing a journal that would be between me and the Lord, but I intend to start one because I feel it is important to remember special events, such as receiving my patriarchal blessing. In “the land down under” as many American elders call it, it is nice to know that we can see how the Saints throughout the world are coping with their problems. I also thank you for the beautiful photos in the August issue. The New Era makes me feel closer to the Lord whenever I read it.

Ann Stewart
Charlestown, New South Wales Australia

Thought pages

When I finally picked up the August New Era, the title “Dear Journal” really caught my attention. As I read the article, I was really thrilled because for several months I had been writing what I called “thought pages.” I know how much these pages help me to get things straight in my mind and to remember the special experiences I have. I also find them to be a good way to relieve tension and to help me relax. In these pages I see growth reflected, both my own and that of others. I urge everyone to try writing these things down so that they, too, can see their ambitions realized experience upon experience. Thanks for this great magazine!

Doris Mohler
Payson, Utah

Bridge building

Thank you for the October New Era. I’m especially grateful for the article on “Bridge Building,” not only for its information on Asian culture, but for its underlying message. It seems that many people are afraid to get too involved with anything that isn’t directly related to the Church. It is, however, by non-Church-related activities that we do our best missionary work. I’m sure that Heavenly Father will help each of us to select interests that will be of benefit to us as well as to those who will be touched by our example.

Maura Crowe
Westtown, New York