June 1977

“Feedback,” New Era, June 1977, 2


What’s in it for me?

In our missionary experiences we have noticed that one important question people have about the Church, or anything else for that matter, is “What is in it for me?” Of course, the most impressive answer that we can give is our own example. However, the New Era is also a good tool in helping people realize the good that the gospel can bring to the world. It illustrates the effects of the gospel in the lives of people today. From the message of the General Authorities to the fiction story, the articles in each issue of the New Era show how the teachings of Jesus Christ bring the good things of life. Thank you for this fine monthly example that we can share with those who are wondering “What will The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints do for my life?”

Elders Paul Swan and Mark Gibby
California Sacramento (Spanish) Mission

On color

Several years ago I started taking the New Era when we had a teenager at home. We gave it up then because you were printing over color, which is not easy to read nor good for the vision. When you printed the article about the earthquake in Los Angeles, I wanted so much to read that article, but it was printed on top of the picture sketch of the ruins.

I have been a school teacher for many years, and in my work as a speech therapist, I make many charts for children to read. I always used black print on white paper, with plenty of space between lines.

Since your best articles were printed on color, we quit taking the magazine. Then last year I decided to try it again. But during the year some of the most important articles were again printed on color, so I have given up. I would like to have the New Era in our home and would if it were not for what some people must think a “cute” practice to attract the youth.

Martha A. Green
Ephraim, Utah

No greater honor

As a missionary I always look forward to receiving the Church magazines when we attend our zone conferences. I am very thankful for the inspiring articles in the New Era. They have helped me many times. I especially enjoyed “No Greater Honor: The Woman’s Role” by President Tanner in the January issue. It touched my heart and made me very thankful for my dear mother, sisters, and friends who see the importance of honoring and supporting the priesthood. They will probably never realize the influence they have on men.

As missionaries we often find ourselves searching for ways to touch the hearts of many people who don’t quite grasp the importance of certain concepts in the gospel. We turn many times to the fine articles in the New Era. Thank you for the missionary work the New Era does through such articles.

Elder VerDon H. Hoopes
Virginia Roanoke Mission

The happiest fruits

When I started reading “When Thou Art Converted” in the March New Era, it sounded strangely familiar. I suddenly realized that the author was the same Elder Young who taught me the discussions while I worked for the Forest Service last summer in Swan Valley, Idaho.

My job and the Teton Dam disaster made for a really interesting summer, but the sincerity and care with which Elder Young taught me left the most memorable and cherished impression. He ended his mission before I finished the discussions, so I never really had the chance to thank him for the wonderful way he helped change my life and open up new horizons. I only wish he could have been there for my early-morning baptism in the Snake River so he could have witnessed one of the happiest fruits of his labors.

Carol Kounanis
West Lafayette, Indiana

Down and out and up again

After an operation and a week in the hospital, I was feeling down and out. Today I received the February New Era from the mission office. I immediately read through it seeking for help and advice. Miraculously, my help was there. The articles were exactly what I needed. I was filled with a spirit of confidence; I know I can achieve. I realize that the road ahead on my mission isn’t going to be cushioned with success and glory, and that I’ll fall down occasionally. But at least now I feel like getting back up and continuing to do what God wants me to do. Thanks for the strength.

Elder Paul Curlis
Australia Adelaide Mission

I couldn’t believe it

I spent a year in Murray, Utah, as an exchange student and was baptized on October 22, 1976. When I received the New Era recently as a Christmas present from Sister Smith, I couldn’t believe it because I didn’t ever think I would read it in Japan. I took seminary at Murray High and enjoyed many articles from the New Era. Thank you, Sister Smith. This will be one of the most wonderful Christmas presents I’ve ever known.

Toy Ishikawa
Fukui, Japan

Not homesick somehow

I have always enjoyed the New Era, but I liked the March issue so much that I decided it was time to write. The message was really inspiring; the Mormonisms made me laugh; and I especially liked “A Pinch of Hurt” and “Bare Feet and Bicycles.” My family and I are in Chile on a mission, and whenever I get homesick, I pick up the New Era, and somehow I’m not homesick anymore. The articles by the General Authorities always help build my testimony, and I learn something from the stories every time.

Elayne Wells
Santiago, Chile


I’ve been reading the New Era seriously and steadily for the past two and a half years now. I was wondering why you don’t have a page in the December issue each year listing all the year’s stories and articles. Each article could be listed according to title, author, and subject matter. This way New Era readers could find information for speaking assignments or help for a problem or question.

Jodie Baines
Rialto, California

A New Era index is published each year. You can obtain an index for any year from 1971 to 1976 by sending 25¢ for each index to Church Magazines, 50 East North Temple, Salt Lake City, Utah 84150. Editor

No more miserable letters

Heavenly Father certainly sends us things when we need them most! I’ve just said good-bye to my boyfriend prior to his departure on a mission, and I was missing him very much and writing him very miserable letters. Then the December New Era arrived with “The Way to a Missionary’s Mailbox,” which uplifted me so much, and I’m sure that his mission will now be much more successful because of it. My nonmember family also realizes this.

Susan Ayer
Christchurch, New Zealand

International New Era

I really enjoyed “No Greater Honor: The Woman’s Role” in the January New Era. These kinds of articles are great for young women. I was thinking that since you have Canadian readers, you could do more on Canadian activities.


We would love to do more on Canada, England, Australia, New Zealand, the Philippines, and other areas where we have readers, but we can’t send reporters everywhere. We have to rely on our readers to inform us of what’s going on. When you know about an outstanding activity or young person in your area, please take some pictures, write up an account, and send it to us for our consideration. You might also want to inform us well in advance of outstanding activities in case we can send someone to cover the story. Editor

Patent pending

I just received my first copy of the New Era. I asked for a New Era subscription as a birthday present, and my grandparents gave it to me. I really enjoy the New Era. From what I read on the Feedback page, a lot of people read it the day it comes, so I took their advice and did the same. The article on patriarchal blessings by Elder LeGrand Richards really made me realize the importance of my patriarchal blessing. Now, whenever I am facing a problem, I read my blessing. I want to thank whoever invented the New Era. It is written just for me.

John P. Curren
Salt Lake City, Utah
