July 1977

“Feedback,” New Era, July 1977, 2


Where’s the companion?

As missionaries we know the joy of serving the Lord on a mission and how the New Era helps young people see the importance of a mission. But we have one question in regards to your Mormonad entitled “Flowers Fade” in the March issue. Where’s that missionary’s companion?

Elders Guy Hailstone and Stan Whitaker
Ohio Columbus Mission

Taking the picture? Editor

Everything seems clearer

I am a nonmember, and I have gotten a few copies of the New Era from a friend. I can’t begin to express how fantastic they are! I have been kind of down lately, but by reading this magazine, I understand my life more clearly now. Everything seems much more clear.

Jenny Larson
St. Cloud, Minnesota

New Era Never Never Land

I’m almost 21 and was recently married. After borrowing a copy of the New Era two months in a row, I’ve decided I never want to grow up—at least not too much to have the New Era in my home. Four dollars is easy to find for a priceless possession.

Karlene Young
Wellington, Utah

A warm remembrance

The entire March issue was excellent as always, but Elder James Young’s story of his conversion, “When Thou Art Converted,” really touched me. It brought back a warm remembrance of my own conversion seven years ago. How well I remember the tremendous, exhilarating feeling that came over me when I suddenly realized that I was indeed a child of God. Equally wonderful was the feeling of finally finding a spiritual anchor and feeling that I had finally come home after so many years of searching for the truth. Now my cup runneth over with joy at being in the Church and knowing of the gospel! I shall forever be grateful to the young men who cared enough to share the gospel with me. Now great joy comes to me in sharing it with my fellowmen. I hope that Elder Young has a wonderful life in the gospel.

Elva Weed
Hartford, Alabama

My only contact

I am a new member of the Church as of February 26, 1977. I was first taught the gospel by two fine young missionaries about seven years ago but did not join the Church at that time. Throughout this long period the Church magazines have been my only contact with the Church. I have received endless spiritual guidance and encouragement from the many articles. There have been many times during this period when I have been very depressed, and the magazines have always been a source of strength. They have played a strong part in finally bringing me into the true Church.

Tom Waitman
Cupertino, California

When discussions come up

I’ve just started getting the New Era, and I think it is a fantastic magazine. Every time I receive one in the mail, I read it from cover to cover as soon as possible, I am not a member of the Church yet because of parental disapproval, and I find the New Era very uplifting when discussions between us come up, It has helped my testimony grow a lot.

Kim Smith
Jamestown, North Dakota

Five in five

I recently moved from West Reading, Pennsylvania, to Tustin, California, to live with my sister, and even though I love her very much, it gets lonely without my parents. So I considered it an answer to my prayers when I received five back issues of the New Era in the mail and finished reading all five in five hours. It is truly an inspiring and testimony-building magazine. I especially enjoyed “The Way to a Missionary’s Mailbox,” “Gena, My Challenge,” and “What’s a Brother For?” in the December issue and “No Greater Honor: The Woman’s Role” in the January issue. I always find myself rereading all the articles and find pleasure in Feedback most of all. The Mormonisms are always good too. If some readers are reading only parts of the New Era, I hope they will take the time to read it all the way through for more spiritual food.

Donna Marie Destaslo
Tustin, California

A Motto for Mindi

I was impressed by the article “Our Family Motto.” I learned a lot about the Osmond family in those few pages. I was interested in learning how Tom Osmond had made his life successful. Their family motto is something I’m going to think about.

I loved the story “The Flowers of Early Summer.” I reread it again and again and cried each time.

Mindi Merrill
Anchorage, Alaska

A’s to her Q’s

I really enjoy the Q and A department. The questions are often ones which I have asked myself, and the answers are really helpful, even though I have been a member all my life.

Lauri Walker
Rigby, Idaho

Growing pains

I remember the New Era so well during my high school years. I had some important decisions to make back then and needed all the spiritual guidance I could grasp hold of. I remember well when I was struggling with one decision and thought I had done everything there was to do as far as faith and prayer were concerned. One night as I was reading the New Era, I came across some quotes from our latter-day prophets, and one stood out on the page. It said, “Maybe you should try fasting.” I fasted and things became clear. Thanks, New Era, for being there through many of my growing pains. Life here is not over with yet, and I know there will be more growing pains. Sure hope the New Era will be there to help relieve some of the hurt.

Connie Medlock
Lubbock, Texas

Exporting isms

I was recently reading through some old New Eras when I came to a letter entitled “Americanisms” in the January 1975 Feedback. The writers of this letter were obviously sensitive to the usage of Americanisms, as I am. But I don’t think you misquote Charlotte Brontë when she says, “Your poems are so good, though, I couldn’t quit reading them.” The word quit was used most frequently by English people of her era. Jane Austen, who was an English novelist about the same time as Charlotte Brontë, continually uses the word. It is interesting to note that the writers of the letter themselves use an Americanism or two. For example, “You know, an English girl who had been raised on the classics …”

Jacqueline Adcock
London, England


I really enjoyed the article on Ray Tracey “More Than Acting: Raymond Tracey As Himself” in the April New Era. I think he is a very special person because of all he has learned and achieved, and it made me feel very proud and happy to read about someone like him. I am especially proud because the high school he attended is my own high school, West High, where I had the privilege of hearing him speak at an assembly.

Patti Fausett
Salt Lake City, Utah

Here’s my heart

Thank you for “Here’s My Heart” in the February New Era. It made me know and feel that the Lord really does love each one of us. I have memorized the four qualities of the heart mentioned by Brother Jensen, and they have strengthened my goals in life because someday I, too, want to give my heart to the one I love.

Elder Dave Hulse
Georgia Atlanta Mission

Of all places

I have just started receiving the New Era, and I find it very inspirational. I am currently in jail, of all places. I have been in here for 10 months now. One of the elders from the Cumberland Maryland Branch just brought me some of the older issues of the New Era, and after reading them I just had to write and tell you that the articles they contain are great! The most recent one I received was the September 1976 issue. I found the article “Religious Growth: A Fourth ‘R’ in Higher Education” very meaningful. I would be delighted to receive letters from some young Mormons.

Neil Long
Cumberland, Maryland

Two wonderful gifts

I started to get the New Era as a gift from a dear friend, and I think it is great. My friend Becky started to visit me while I was in prison. She asked me if I would like to talk to the elders, and I agreed. I saw them for six months, and it really helped. I’m going to keep on subscribing to the New Era now because it is still helping me. Thanks to Elder Castleberry and Elder Muller, and a real big thanks to Becky Hartswick for two wonderful gifts, the Church and the New Era.

Jeffrey D. Auman
Lewistown, Pennsylvania
