July 1979

“Feedback,” New Era, July 1979, 2


Six short

Thank you for “And the Desert Shall Rejoice” in the January/February New Era. I want to assure readers that Chile isn’t just some place the New Era dreamed up. Chile is a beautiful country with beautiful members who are eager to “let their light shine.” The love they have for the gospel and their fellowman is what lets the Church progress so rapidly here.

The truth is that in Arica there aren’t two wards as the article states. There are eight branches! And we have high hopes of becoming a stake soon. I should know—I work here!

Elder R. Kent Hyer
Chile Santiago North Mission

The way of the heathen

Terry J. Moyer’s article on astrology in the March magazine was well received in this home. May I add one more scripture to the article?

“Thus saith the Lord, Learn not the way of the heathen, and be not dismayed at the signs of heaven; for the heathen are dismayed at them.” (Jer. 10:2.)

Dwight Hughes
Ogden, Utah

A companion with all the answers

I am just one of the 27,000 full-time missionaries in the field, but no matter how small I am, I have to give you a BIG hearty thanks for helping us do missionary work through the mail. I have many nonmember friends with whom I would like to share the gospel, so I made a New Year’s resolution to give at least one gift subscription to a nonmember friend each month. Even though I’ve been in the Church all my life, I learn something new from each issue of the magazine. You know, the New Era is like having a companion with all the answers.

Elder Eric Emfield
Iowa Des Moines Mission

When the missionaries write

I am grateful for the New Era. It has helped me so much in my life. I live with my nonmember family. I have been thinking about going on a mission, and when the missionaries write their letters, it really makes me want to go. Thank you for “My Dad—the Senior Companion” in the June 1978 New Era.

Chris Tresea Polkinghorne
Tauranga, New Zealand

Holding hands with God

I have just read a very touching and beautiful story from an old New Era (Feb. 1973) called “Hold Hands with God.” I was filled with emotion as I read about a 20-year-old retarded girl named Cindy who “holds hands with God.” It touched me deeply because I have a sister just like Cindy, only her name is Sandra, and she is 19 years old today. As I read the story I relived many spiritual and precious moments that my very special sister and I have shared. As a missionary far from my home in Australia, I thank you for reminding me of our very special gift from our Heavenly Father. She truly does “hold hands with God.”

Nadine Shelton
England London South Mission

Thank you, Sister Funk

The article “Women’s Fireside” in the September 1978 New Era had a special meaning to me. Last year Sister Ruth Funk visited the Ithaca New York Stake where a special Young Women conference was held in her honor. During this conference I gave a talk on being the only Latter-day Saint in my school. Sister Funk sat right beside me. It seems as if the articles have a deeper meaning when you have met the people in them. Thank you, Sister Funk, for coming.

Tammy Butler
Middlebury Center, Pennsylvania

The most influential

Today I received the April New Era and couldn’t put off writing any longer. I think this is the most wonderful and influential magazine ever published. The cover photos are always beautiful, and there is always an article that encourages me to do better. I also appreciate being able to read the Messages. They have been very helpful to me.

Charlene Harrison
Prince George, British Columbia, Canada

Where are the articles about Christ?

What a tremendous blessing to have the New Era come once a month! It’s always a source of inspiration to me. I particularly enjoyed Jack Weyland’s “The Emergence of Butterflies,” as well as “My Own Movie,” and “Green and Singing,” all in the April issue. Please continue having articles about Saints the world over. It builds my testimony to know there are youth all over who are sharing similar gospel experiences. I join with Miguel from the Lake District in Chile in wishing that we could all get together for a fabulous international youth conference. How fantastic that would be!

I have one complaint about the April New Era. Where were the articles about Christ? As members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, I think we should have numerous articles about him in our Church magazines, especially at Easter and during the month we celebrate the Church’s anniversary.

Beverly Rust
Chapel Hill, North Carolina

A little taller

The April issue of the New Era is the best ever! The first article, “If Men Never Ventured Beyond Their Experience, the World Would Make No Progress,” began my day of beautiful experiences. I have been singing the chorus to “Walk Tall, You’re a Daughter of God” all morning and must say I’ve walked a little taller.

Valeria U. Mitchell
Athens, Alabama

I wasn’t interested

Thanks for a wonderful magazine. While I was still learning about the gospel, a close friend of mine lent me some of her favorite issues to read. I wasn’t terribly interested at first but soon found myself reading them from cover to cover. In them I found answers to my many questions. Reading the New Era brightened my day. My friend found out I enjoyed the New Era and gave me a subscription. I was 16 then. Now I am 19 and have been a member of the Church for almost three years. I’m still reading this great magazine from cover to cover.

Laurie Zamora
Ogden, Utah

Getting my mind back

I want to thank you for printing “A Word So Far Away” in the November New Era. It really rings true with a lot of missionaries in the field. It inspired me to get my mind back to the mission field. The New Era is great. I look forward to its arrival each month.

Elder Duane Sartori
California Sacramento Mission

My own subscription

For a year I have been reading the New Era at members’ homes and in the ward library because I could not afford my own subscription. Finally I have enough money for my own subscription and a subscription for a dear friend as well. Thanks so much for all the wonderful articles. They have really helped me to grow in understanding. The New Era is a great source of strength for all who read it.

Josie T. Perez
San Antonio, Texas


Our Beehive class would like to thank the New Era for a job well done.

Sherry, Lisa, Tracy, and Sister Pat Reed (Adviser)
Kingsport, Tennessee

I strongly protest

While I agree with the point Terry Moyer was trying to make in the article “Questions Astrologers Avoid Like Cancer,” I strongly protest the way he made it. I sustain the opinion that astrology is “Satan’s counterfeit for true prophecy,” but I feel Brother Moyer would be much more effective if he did not use the same kind of ridicule found in most anti-Mormon literature.

Elder Randall L. Howard
Michigan Lansing Mission

In contact

I treasure every issue of the New Era. The gift subscriptions are a fantastic idea. I’ve given a couple to my nonmember friends and also one to a member friend. I love the New Era because it keeps us, the youth of the Church, in contact with each other. I’d like to mention a few articles that I have especially enjoyed. My favorite was “The Dark Blue Suit” in the July 1978 issue. I couldn’t help crying as I read it. I also liked “When White Shirts Turn Gray” in the December 1978 issue. I was really impressed with the Message by Elder John H. Groberg, “I Feel Sorry for Him,” in that issue. I also enjoyed the poem “Night Thoughts” by Michael Collings. The story “Love Is Forever” in the January/February 1979 issue was also touching. In short, we Saints “down under” really enjoy the New Era.

Teresa Harrison
Tamworth, New South Wales, Australia
