FYI: For Your Information
July 1979

“FYI: For Your Information,” New Era, July 1979, 37

For Your Information

Scots-Irish Convention Unites, Strengthens Youth

A warm spiritual feeling mixed with the customary Scottish rain brought the first annual Scots-Irish Youth Convention to a close last summer. Two hundred youth and leaders from Northern Ireland and southwestern Scotland gathered together in the heart of Glasgow, Scotland, for a weekend of sports activities, talent-sharing, workshops, and testimony building. All participants were members of the Scotland Glasgow Mission, which unites the two lands that are otherwise separated by 65 miles of sea.

After registration on Friday afternoon, the youth participated in a three-hour talent show that helped them to get acquainted as well as entertain each other. Saturday morning was filled with workshops that discussed such topics as the environment, career selection, and “How Others See Us.” Also included was a “keep-fit” class conducted by Brother Eric Bower, convention chairman and professional soccer player.

Soccer, volleyball, and table tennis were in the afternoon’s schedule, followed by a gala banquet. A fully-kilted, tartan-dressed Scottish piper (complete with bagpipes) entered the banquet hall just prior to the beginning of the meal and entertained the diners. The young people topped off the day’s events with a disco.

Sunday morning dawned brightly and began with a priesthood session and Young Women meeting. Elder James A. Cullimore of the First Quorum of the Seventy presided at a testimony meeting that followed.

One of the most significant events of the convention occurred after the participants returned to their homes. One of the young men attending the conference (a non-Mormon) spoke so enthusiastically about the weekend that his parents agreed to let him and his brother take part in the seminary and youth programs of the Church. As a result, the whole family has begun taking the missionary discussions.

Altogether the conference was considered a great success and plans are being made for the second convention to be held in August. It will take place in Northern Ireland.

The Beginning of a Tradition in San Jose

by Dan Anderson

Screams of terrified Laurels echoed through the Santa Cruz Mountains. A big, black, hairy “gorilla” had just come charging out of the darkness! The surprise appearance of this unusual creature was just part of the excitement at the San Jose 14th Ward’s first annual Laurel and priest high school graduation party.

The party was planned by the first-year Laurels and priests, and the only information they gave to the “guests of honor” was that they should be at their homes in their Sunday best at 5:30 P.M. on Friday, June 16.

Chauffeurs picked up the graduates and escorted them to a mountain retreat in the heavily forested Santa Cruz Mountains. As they arrived, many wondered what they were doing at a Boy Scout camp in suits and long dresses! Their curiosity was soon satisfied, however, when they were escorted into the beautifully decorated A-frame building. Pictures of the graduates at various ages had been hung on the walls, and classical music created a pleasant atmosphere for the delicious lasagne dinner that was served.

Then came more surprises. The parents of each of the graduates had furnished stories, home movies, and slides of their children, and this provided the first portion of the evening’s entertainment. Afterwards, funny awards were presented to each of the graduates by the above-mentioned “gorilla,” Mr. Chimpchump. (Mr. Chimpchump was a great scientist, explained the emcee, but had somehow been turned into an ape.) Following this, the final event of the evening was an elegant dance.

Everyone seemed to have a great time and to feel the joy that comes from participating in good, wholesome activities. Without a question, a tradition had been starred in San Jose!

Family Photographs Open Doors in Louisville

Cotton candy … farm animals … arts and crafts … Ferris wheels … and Mormon missionaries. What do they have in common? Ask someone from the Louisville Kentucky Stake and they’ll answer right away: the Kentucky State Fair! Last August the full-time missionaries in the Kentucky Louisville Mission and the members of the Louisville Stake met together at the fair to promote one of their most successful missionary efforts yet. The two groups cosponsored a booth where nonmember families could have their pictures taken free of charge, with the guarantee that the missionaries would deliver them to their homes within a few weeks. The backdrop said, “Families are Forever,” and was used as an introduction to the family home evening program and the Church’s emphasis on the importance of the eternal family unit. More than 700 photographs were taken during the 11-day fair.

[Zion Sings in Alberta]

A Scout Promise: Missionary Service

It was a moment that 42 Eagle Scouts from the Boise Idaho North Stake will remember for a long time. Following a banquet in their honor, each of them stood and made a solemn promise—to go on a mission. What made it even more memorable was that the banquet was part of a trip from Boise to Salt Lake City to honor the Eagles, 26 of whom received their award in 1978. And one other thing made it a special promise as well—they made the promise to their former stake president, Elder Vaughn J. Featherstone of the First Quorum of the Seventy.

“I had already planned on serving a mission,” said Tim Duffy, 14, one of the Eagles. “But this really reinforced the desire.”

While in Salt Lake, the group toured the Church Office Building, Temple Square, the Church Historical Archives, and the Genealogical Library. At the banquet they were also addressed by Neil D. Schaerrer, the Young Men general president, and Paul K. Cropper, member of the Young Men General Board.

Mothers and Daughters Share Afternoon in Iowa

Five young brides dressed in white joined arms on the stage. The narrator spoke: “Who can find a virtuous woman? for her price is far above rubles.

“Strength and honour are her clothing; and she shall rejoice in time to come.” (Prov. 31:10, 25.)

The scene was the finale to a special fashion show at a mother-daughter seminar sponsored by the Davenport Iowa Stake. The show included many humorous and inappropriate examples of dress as well as appropriate examples. “Many commented afterward that no talk could have put across the message of propriety in dress more effectively,” said Suzanne Romans, stake Young Women president.

The seminar was designed to bring mothers and daughters closer together and to help them both to understand the Young Women program better. The two-fold theme, “Lollipops and Lipstick,” represented lollipops for young girls and lipstick for mothers, also suggesting the little girl and mature woman in each.

The afternoon began with a special musical number performed by the Frogley family, followed by an entertaining talk on communication given by Sister Jackie Sumner and her daughter Kristy. In addition to the fashion show, each mother and daughter attended classes on the personal progress program and personality development and were given special folders in which they could put the handouts from each class.

“Our Year of Service”

by Karla Erickson

“Why don’t we choose service as our goal?” suggested Kim, her blue eyes sparkling.

“We could do things for older people, little children, our parents, and each other!” added Jeri excitedly.

The rest of the second-year Beehives of the Bountiful 42nd Ward, Bountiful East Stake, chimed in with their ideas and comments about the different kinds of projects we could do. When a talent show was suggested, each of the girls committed herself to performing at least one number. Rehearsals were set for the following week, and the first performance was scheduled for three weeks later at a nursing home for the elderly. When the big night came, the girls were as nervous as if they were performing on Broadway! Their numbers went very well, however, and afterwards they visited with their new friends. The project was truly one of love, and thus it became known as our “Love Program.”

During the coming year we presented the “Love Program” several times—once to a 12-year-old bedridden girl—and in February we had a very special Valentine party for our grandmothers. The girls sent invitations, made special cards, prepared a buffet dinner, decorated the room with streamers and hearts and made candy hearts of dipped chocolate as favors.

Each time the program was given, the girls seemed to enjoy it more. “Before our program, I didn’t know I could write poems,” shared Jeri. “But when I saw others enjoying the poems I had written, it gave me confidence to write more. I even wrote one for my dad.”

“At first I didn’t want to play my guitar,” admitted Marti. “But when everyone else got so excited, I got excited, too. I’m glad I was kind of pushed into doing it.”

Our last performance of the “Love Program” was for the girls’ parents. The Mutual year was ending and we wanted them to know of some of the good accomplished. In addition to this, however, the girls also performed acts of service in other ways throughout the year. At Christmas, our Mutual provided gifts for a family and our class was assigned a two-year-old boy. For several weeks the girls baked cookies, brownies, cakes, and candies to raise money for our “Christmas boy.” When the girls weren’t doing this, they were making surprises for a “secret sister” in our class. What seemed to matter most to them was that they were doing something for someone else.

At the year’s end, Lynnette summed up the feelings of all the girls when she said, “I liked our year of service and I know that I am a better person for helping. I like knowing I can make people a little bit happier.”

Mormons Making Mention

John the Baptist
by Peggy Barton
Deseret Book Company $3.95, pp. 24

John the Baptist’s calling was an important one—to help prepare the world for the coming of the Lord. He was one of the first to recognize Jesus as the Messiah and to openly proclaim Christ’s divinity to those around him. And, of course, it was John who baptized the Lord by immersion.

What was this man like who played such a prominent role in New Testament history? Both children and adults can gain a clearer answer to that question by reading John the Baptist, a short book in simple prose based on Biblical accounts about the cousin of the Savior.

After telling about John’s life, the book continues with an account of the restoration of the Aaronic Priesthood in this dispensation, another event in which this prophet played a significant part.

Look at Your World
by Paul H. Dunn and Maurine Ward
Bookcraft Publishers $4.95, pp. 209

This collection of talks selected from Elder Dunn’s popular radio program stresses the theme that each person is the master of his own life; that in spite of circumstances, each is free to mold his personality and character by concentrating on specific goals, working hard, and daring to put forth effort. The book is divided into sections directing the reader to “Look to the Future,” “Look to Others’ Needs,” “Look around You,” “Look Within,” and “Look to the Light.” A generous amount of anecdotes makes the reading pleasant and the lessons taught easy to remember and apply.

Mormons Making Mention

A powerful drama was presented to the members of the Raymond Alberta Canada Stake by the stake Young Men and Young Women. The production Zion Sings depicted in drama and music the restoration of the gospel, the trials and persecution of the early Saints, and their final conquest of the Utah desert. The final scene represented the Savior’s triumphant return to his people and impressed upon all present the majesty and wonder that that day will hold.

Diane Wilkinson, a convert of ten years, has attended sacrament meeting every single Sunday since her baptism. She has also attended all of her Sunday School, Mutual, and leadership meetings, without missing even once. A member of the Hull Second Ward, Hull England Stake, she currently is serving a mission in Canada.

One of the up-and-coming artists at Forest Park Senior High School in Forest Park, Georgia, is a young Church member named Terry White. At the school art show last fall he received two first-place awards, one third-place award, three honorable mentions, and also sold one of his pieces. Ever since elementary school, Terry has excelled at artwork. In the fifth grade he was one of the few children from his school to have his art entered in the Farmers’ Market. As a freshman he was chosen as “Most Talented,” and last year as a sophomore he was selected as an alternate for the county Governor’s Honors Program. Besides drawing, Terry enjoys racing bicycles with his father, reading, and genealogy. He is the seminary class president and teachers quorum president in the Forest Park Ward, Georgia Atlanta Stake.
