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May 1980

“Feedback,” New Era, May 1980, 2


I was really there

Ever since I started receiving the New Era, reading has turned into an enjoyable experience. I want to commend the magazine for two exceptional articles in the January–February issue. Both “Two Alone: Three Together” and “Brad and Jenny” made me feel like I was really there, and afterwards they gave me a good feeling inside. Thank you for printing such inspiring stories as these. A magazine with articles as interesting as these is a magazine I will continue to read—and enjoy.

Rusty Southwick
Willits, California

Exactly what we teach

Like thousands of other missionaries all over the world, I wait eagerly for the New Eras to arrive each month. I find that Bishop Peterson’s May 1979 Message, “Your Life Has a Purpose,” is exactly what we go out each day to teach people. As each of us finds his purpose, we must help others find theirs too. As missionaries we have the special privilege of watching others change their lives. As each of them receives that witness of the Spirit, we can sense that they understand the purpose of this life. Thank you, Bishop Peterson, for opening my eyes once again to the ways we can strengthen ourselves by strengthening those around us.

Sister Rose Roberts
New Zealand Christchurch Mission

Please enlist me

Recently I began investigating the LDS religion. I was introduced to the New Era by the missionaries assigned to this area and have enjoyed reading it very much. The October issue helped me to learn more about the Mormon faith and the unity that exists among its members. Please enlist me as a subscriber to the New Era.

Carol S. Bradley
Niagara Falls, New York


The New Era is just tops! We enjoy it almost as much as Mom’s bimonthly shipments of goodies. Thanks especially for Missionary Focus. The articles are always a strength for us in the mission field.

Elders Matthew Bundy and Mark Talbot
Germany Dusseldorf Mission

A very special story

I like the New Era very much and look forward to it each month. It has so many good stories. In the November issue I enjoyed the article “Pageants and Principles” written by Kristin Shurtliff. It was a very special story. I am almost 13 and have been reading the New Era for about a year and a half now. Thank you so much for having such neat spiritual stories each month.

Sandra Adams
Parowan, Utah

A bit jealous

I certainly enjoyed reading “BYU Sounds: At Home And Abroad,” and I’m very proud of the high-quality schools owned and operated by the Church, but I feel that the programs at other university institutes are being ignored. I feel that I speak for many students who don’t attend Church schools when I say that I’m proud of what these institute programs have accomplished. I’d really like to see some articles on the exciting activities that we have. BYU and Ricks are great, but we’re getting a bit jealous!

LuAnne Miller
Logan, Utah

Walk tall

The young women in our branch sang “Walk Tall, You’re a Daughter of God” (April 1979 New Era) during our Nutrition Month celebration. Our strength increased as we sang that delightful song. The spirit of that song makes us closer to our Father in Heaven.

Grace Escara
Bacolod City, Philippines

From here on in

“The Joy Is in Becoming” in the June New Era really made an impression on me because I had been questioning some of the new styles. They seemed to look really good on my friends and on models, but something just wasn’t quite right. They looked cheap.

About a week ago I purchased a two-piece bathing suit. It was very pretty, but I didn’t feel comfortable in it. Well, I thought about it, prayed about it, and I knew finally that I was not to own it. I returned it. The article in the New Era helped me a lot; I was afraid to do what I knew was right, and it helped give me courage. From here on in I’m going to try to be a good example of high moral standards.

Debbie Thompson
Tustin, California

Land of our ancestors

The December article on Israel contains two errors. The Church of the Nativity is in Bethlehem, not in Nazareth, and the words “Next year in Jwords “Next year in Jerusalem” are not in every Sabbath prayer, but are spoken only once a year at the conclusion of the Passover meal. Nevertheless, it was a beautiful photographic essay. I hope and pray that many Latter-day Saints will be inspired and encouraged to visit Israel, the land of our ancestors of the tribes of Ephraim, Manasseh, Judah, and others. Many of us who have received and believed our patriarchal blessings have found great joy in exploring the land where our roots are planted.

Elder Benjamin Urrutia
New York City Mission

The China doll

I am a recent convert to the Church, and I enjoy reading the New Era very much. As I was reading the November issue, I was pleasantly surprised to read the article about Lezlie Bawden (“Pageants and Principles”). I had the pleasure of meeting Lezlie at the 1977 Nevada Junior Miss Pageant at which I was also a contestant. She is as beautiful a person on the inside as she is on the outside, and for that reason I think of her as “the China doll.”

I was sorry to read about all the difficulties she had at the national pageant, but I know that her faith in Heavenly Father helped her endure. I will always remember the pride I felt watching Lezlie on television and knowing that a truly outstanding young lady was representing my home state.

Robyn E. Maxfield
Paul, Idaho

Keeping and dressing

I’m a stake missionary, and I find the New Era extremely helpful. When I picked up the November issue, I found the most rewarding, exciting article I’ve ever read in any magazine! It was titled “The Cry of the Falcon” by Clayton M. White. The photos were also very touching. This article explains through the scriptures how important it is to preserve and protect (“keep and dress”) animal life. Brother White’s inspired words helped me appreciate more fully our stewardship over the other creatures Father in Heaven made and loves.

Flavia Sayner
Century City, California

Eleven o’clock letter

I just finished reading the October edition of the New Era. It is almost 11:00 now, and even though I have to get up at 5:00 in the morning for seminary, I feel inspired to write and thank you so very much for the article “To Walk in High Places” by Elder Vaughn J. Featherstone. His words were so touching and inspiring to me that by the time I got to the poem at the end, I was in tears. For the past few weeks I have been feeling that same desire to walk in high places. I too have some very kind, pure, loving Church leaders whom I hold very dear to my heart. I too have a need to be with them and enjoy their influence and their love. Thank you, Elder Featherstone. To use the words of the anonymous poem in the article, “I’m glad I touched shoulders with you!”

Heidi Hanson
Honolulu, Hawaii


“Your Life Has a Purpose” by Bishop H. Burke Peterson (May issue) touched my heart. This is the message that we as missionaries carry to many people. Our mission president places great importance on our purpose in life and on eternal perspectives. We sometimes put obstacles in our way to hinder our progression, but the Lord’s purpose is to help us overcome our weaknesses and learn from our experiences. Families can and should be eternal. The New Era and its stories add to my testimony of the gospel of Jesus Christ and the joy that it brings.

Elder Kenneth W. Kilburn
England London Mission

Lonely for the Saints

As a student away from home, I have been unable to attend any Church meetings for two months. The September and October issues of the New Era, which my family forwarded to me, have truly helped satisfy my hunger for spiritual food and have strengthened me in my goal to set an example for those I associate with. My missionary zeal has increased as my confidence in my own testimony has grown, aided by the inspired articles in the New Era. Thank you from a student lonely for association with the Saints.

Vicki Ann Borrowman
Lumby, British Columbia, Canada