October 1980

“Feedback,” New Era, Oct. 1980, 2



The New Era always provides answers to my questions and guideposts for my life. The article “The Shoes of a Winner” by Elder Robert L. Backman (January/February issue) has filled an empty space in my life and has made me want to be a better Latter-day Saint. I know it won’t be easy, but Heavenly Father will guide me.

Carlos A. Vallarino
Balboa, Panama

Out the window go the downs

What can I say except thank you very much for a very special magazine? I’ve been out of work now for five months. Unemployment’s so high it’s really hard to get a job, and so I get pretty down sometimes. But as soon as the New Era comes, out the window go the downs and in through the mailbox comes a real lift. It really lifts me up spiritually and fills me with excitement. I especially enjoy seeing letters and articles printed from or about the Saints in England (It makes a nice change!) as it brings the New Era closer to home. The New Era awakens me to just exactly what people without the gospel are missing out on—and to the importance of missionary work. It brings humor, learning, and love, both for the Church and for others.

Gillian C. Pickard
Cambridge, England

A boost

I just wanted to let you know how much I appreciate the New Era and the Ensign. Just the other night I was reading all the Mormonisms and Mirthrights I could find. They were super! Sometimes (sometimes more often) I get discouraged, and the Church magazines always help to boost me up and help me get my act together. Thanks a lot from a missionary who is now happier. And by the way, hurry with the next issue!

Elder Dean Haggen
California San Jose Mission

What I’ve been missing

I am a convert of more than ten years, but for most of that time I didn’t really read the Church magazines unless required to by my religion class in college. The most I would do was skip through the pages to look at the pictures. But in the past four months I have really started reading each issue and now realize what I’ve been missing. I was especially inspired by “The Shoes of a Winner” in the January/February issue. It makes me realize how much one’s attitude can do to his/her life. I am now a regular reader, and I feel that the New Era should become a part of anyone who wants to become a well-rounded person. Thanks for the inspiration.

Fifita Finau
Laie, Hawaii

If you smile

I have just finished reading the New Era and would like to tell you what a joy it is to me. There are five children in our family who read the New Era, and we are always trying to see who will get it first. Our parents also want their turn. I am an avid New Era reader. I enjoy all the stories as well as the words of counsel. I enjoyed “Rugged Is the Road to Rich Reward” and “Mike and Curt Don’t Quit” in the January/February issue. “Mike and Curt Don’t Quit” shows how much determination people must have if they want to accomplish something. In that same issue “Two Alone, Three Together” shows how much quiet moments can help someone contemplate God’s role in creating the earth. Reading the New Era makes me smile, and if you smile, so does everybody else. I would like to thank all the beautiful, inspired members of the Lord’s true church who write these articles.

Theresa Van Biljon
Durban, South Africa

Three highest goals

I was deeply touched by the article “Someone Who Wouldn’t Laugh” in the May issue. I myself have had many of the experiences this young man had while being introduced to the Church. Although I am not a member of the Church yet, baptism, filling a mission, and someday entering the temple constitute three of my highest goals. With the constant encouragement of friends in Salt Lake City, American Fork, Seattle, and Canada, I feel these goals will become reality. The New Era also makes riding the bus to and from work more interesting. It’s nice to be able to read enlightening stories before starting my day.

Gina Marie
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

Fear to faith

I loved the article “Mirian” in the March New Era. It was a good example of those people who are not ashamed to be counted even when trials arise. Each one of us has so much potential, and there are so many different ways we can share the gospel. Sometimes fear gets in the way of our sharing the gospel. We need to turn that fear to faith like Mirian did so that we can help others find joy in receiving and accepting the gospel of Jesus Christ.

Elder Carl R. Landeen
Minnesota Minneapolis Mission

“Are You Ashamed?”

I enjoy reading the New Era each month. I especially liked reading the article “Are You Ashamed?” by President Tanner in the July 1979 issue.

Erik Schimmelbusch
Portland, Oregon

Only one problem

Hi. I’m 12 years old, and I love the New Era. My dad gave me a subscription for Christmas and I think it’s the best gift anyone ever gave me. There is only one problem. There aren’t enough pages.

Julie Yates
Spokane, Washington

Every time I’m tempted …

I am so grateful to be able to have the New Era and the Ensign in my home. I have been reading both for about seven years, and both have helped increase my testimony more than I can measure. Every time I’m tempted to turn on the television or read an ordinary magazine, I remember to read the New Era, and I feel so much better than if I hadn’t. I’m glad that, in contrast to most of the mass media, the only ads in the New Era are Mormonads. I find that many of the stories apply very closely to things I have felt or experienced recently in my life. The New Era has also given me a way to share the gospel with nonmember friends in a relaxed and simple manner.

Sharon Tayler
Pacific Palisades, California

What a combination

The May New Era was the best yet. What a combination of information, instruction, and inspiration! I enjoyed each article. My heart was warmed by the feature article “Beloved Johnny.” I am more appreciative of the power and blessing that the priesthood is in my life. What we read surely influences how we think, and our thoughts govern our behavior. By reading such motivational material, the youth of Zion cannot but be strengthened.

Peter B. Ball
Castleknock, County Dublin, Ireland

Best weeks of my life

I’ve been in the air force for about two years now and receive the New Era as a gift from my father. When I read the article “High Mountain Magic” in the June New Era, it brought back memories of some of the best weeks of my life. Once a year the young men in our ward (14 and older) would go on a 7-to-10-day excursion. Two of those trips were up in the high Uintas. I will never forget the 10-to-15 mile treks from camp to camp. Sunday was a day of rest. In the morning we would hold priesthood meeting and Sunday School, and then in the afternoon we would attend a special fast and testimony meeting. The closeness I felt with my friends and God is a feeling I will always cherish. I wish that everybody could spend some time in the many wilderness areas created by the Lord. I know that these trips have helped strengthen my testimony.

A1C Roger A. Hoffmann
Loughlin AFB, Texas
