February 1981

“Feedback,” New Era, Jan.–Feb. 1981, 2



I just finished the story by Carolyn Campbell “Of Weeds, Snow Shovels, and Someone Who Once Sang” in the August New Era. I was deeply moved. I feel that she won more than the contest. She won the hearts of all who read the story.

Scott Barnard
Iowa City, Iowa

What power!

I must comment on “A Celestial Missionary” in the August issue of this great magazine. Reading the story of Elder Michael Tolman really gave me a greater understanding of why each missionary should try to be the best missionary in the field. What power Elder Tolman must have possessed! It really gave me the strength to want to push harder to serve our Heavenly Father. I want Elder Tolman’s parents to know how much we as missionaries appreciate him, even though we did not know him personally. Thank you.

Elder Rick Weadock
Milwaukee Wisconsin Mission

Tending the vineyard

I would like to express my appreciation for a wonderful magazine. I started taking the New Era in 1974, but back then I hardly ever read it. Now I devour every issue. I am always glad to see my latest New Era when it arrives in the mail. Many of the articles have touched me. The ones that touched me the most were “Religion, Rebellion, and Rebecca,” “A Prophet Cares,” “Crying with a Clown,” “Two Alone, Three Together,” “How Well Can You Fly it When Everything Goes Wrong?” and “Fifteen Summers.” I really appreciate the Feedback section also. As I read the letters, I see that there are other people who feel as I do. The Mormonisms always make me laugh. The Mormonads always have a touching and inspiring message. The New Era always gives me advice on tending my part of the Lord’s vineyard.

John Gunter
Lancaster, California

A kind of renaissance

I just received the August New Era. What an honor it is to see once again another piece of mine in the magazine. I have just read “A Celestial Missionary” by John Jarvis. I was deeply moved and shall always remember the story of this man. Having been home three years from my own mission, I still very often find myself longing for and pondering over those experiences I had with the English people.

How I do love the Church magazines! What comfort and courage I receive in knowing I can associate with giants among men and angels here within the confines of the gospel to inspire me on to excellence. May our united efforts prove to be the kind of renaissance in and out of the Church that will lift the spirits of men to recognize their Eternal Father.

Dan Carter
Provo, Utah

We need more

As a registered nurse who has spent 50 years caring for the sick and dying, I was captivated by “Last Camp Along the Way” by Jack Weyland in the July issue. Brother Weyland revealed the torment in the soul of the dying father so graphically and understandingly that I wept. We need more of Jack Weyland’s writing.

Rhoda H. Hampton
Idaho Falls, Idaho

I did

When I received the Aaronic Priesthood, my grandmother recommended that I begin reading the New Era, and I did. In a few months I will be made an elder, and I wouldn’t miss a single issue. My life would be poorer without the New Era. It is one of my most prized possessions because it has helped to build and strengthen my testimony of the true Church.

David Green
Lehi, Utah

Don’t put it on the shelf

I really enjoy the inspiring stories in the New Era. When I started getting the New Era about two years ago, I always told people that couldn’t understand what the stories meant, but that was because I didn’t try to understand. I always just read the Mormonisms and then put the book away. Just recently I have been getting out past issues and reading them. I really feel bad that I didn’t read them before. I would really like to tell all my brothers and sisters of the Church to get the New Era and not to just read one story and put it on the shelf but to read the whole magazine. I really love the New Era, and I’m sure that our testimonies will grow if we try to understand what we read there.

Dorothy Roberts
Tallahassee, Florida

I must admit

I am so happy to be a member of the only true Church, and I must admit that the New Era played a tremendous part in my conversion. The New Era has the variety I like and gives a constant lift to my spirituality. I’m always so happy to hear personal spiritual experiences, and the New Era always has them.

Kimi Rushing
Flushing, New York

Think bananas

As the New Era comes monthly into my home, it brings moments of tears and joy. The stories are always uplifting. “The Savior: The Center of Our Lives” in the April issue was especially inspiring. The New Era articles give me incentive to live righteously and share the gospel. It’s great to be a member and always keep “thinking bananas” (if you put a banana in your mouth sideways, you have to smile).

Karen Kalsem
South Bend, Indiana

Few are frozen

Here in the Montana Billings Mission where our motto is “Many are cold but few are frozen,” we elders in the Bozeman district enjoy the articles in the New Era greatly. The New Era gives us inspiration and new ideas in our proselyting. It also helps us keep up on Church events around the world.

Elders Babcock, Hennessy, Petrakovitz, Carroll, Earl, and Smotherson
Montana Billings Mission

Where you’re at

I just received the September New Era today. I immediately searched through it and started reading “The Art of Liking People Who Are Not Like You” by Kathy England. It really hits you where you’re at. We have a very similar problem in our own ward. The article really makes me want to reach out and communicate with and be friendly toward those who are different or not one of the gang.

Lisa Bothwell
Ogden, Utah

How it feels

Thank you for printing the article “The Art of Liking People Who Are Not Like You” in the September issue. Now maybe people will finally realize how it feels not to belong anywhere, including your ward, school, or world. Not everybody living here is like everybody else, and if we would help those who “don’t fit in,” death from loneliness and suicide would probably be cut in half.

Cynthia Banz
Ogden, Utah
