June 1981

“Feedback,” New Era, June 1981, 3


My only contact

I really love the New Era and look forward to seeing its bright yellow envelope protruding from the letter box. The standard of journalism and especially photography is higher than in any other magazine I have seen. I enjoy the fiction and look forward to any devotional addresses from BYU. I have found much good advice which helps me at University here in Canterbury.

I come from a nonmember family and have been a member of the Church for just over a year. Here in the South Island the Church is small but growing rapidly, and there are many leaving on missions now or very soon. At one stage when I was investigating the Church, I went through a time of rebellion when put off my baptism as long as possible. During that time the Church magazines were practically my only contact with the Church, and they helped me to overcome the world and be baptized. Thank you for such a high-class magazine.

Nicki Ward
Christchurch, New Zealand

A serious reverse!

When I first saw the cover of the March issue of the New Era, my first one-word thought was “Perfect!” I am a first semester music major in a junior college whose music department is across the street from the institute. It is therefore easy for me to bring students and instructors to the institute for their first introduction to an LDS building. Naturally, while showing them around and meeting some of the LDS students, we talk about some of the doctrines and principles of the Church.

Upon seeing the March New Era, I at first saw another tool to use as a follow-up with these nonmember music people. Then on a double-take I noticed that the picture of the violin on the cover and the picture of the French horn player on page 22 are printed in reverse. The violin appears to be strung backwards and the horn players look as though they are playing left handed. I was sad to see these errors in such a wonderful and useful magazine. I’ll just pray that the music people will be understanding.

Glenita Thomas
San Diego, California

These photos were “flopped” to enhance the design of the pages on which they appeared. However, we checked and found that there are such things as left-handed violins (although this didn’t happen to be one of them). We hope your musical friends will be understanding too!


The delightful dozen plus two

We have subscribed to all of the Church magazines for many years. As our children have grown up, they too have learned to enjoy these choice magazines. We are the parents of 12 of our Father in Heaven’s spirit children and feel it an honor to be granted the guardianship of these precious souls. The New Era is a joy to our home, and often the older children will say, “You ought to read this one, mom!” The January/February issue was even more special then usual! The article “Pray for Dad” really hit home, for we too pray, and have prayed, for our dad as he fills his responsibilities. Over the years he has served as branch president, bishop, high counselor, Scout leader, and now stake president. The story “Hasty” was also especially close to our hearts because we too are striving to teach and fellowship our neighbors into the true church. I want to commend the New Era artists and designers. The magazine is an eye-catcher, and I really appreciate the pictures. They are special.

Jean Wendt
Columbia Falls, Montana

Those beautiful girls

Thank you for sharing with us “Walk in White” (March issue). My heart was full and tears came to my eyes as I saw those beautiful girls—so many of them—carrying the banners that so many hours of loving work went into.

Evelyn B. Scott
Iowa City, Iowa

I was totally blind

Only nine months ago I was totally blind to Mormonism. I knew absolutely nothing about The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. That all changed on June 16, 1980, when two sister missionaries came to my home. They were so nice and polite that I was ready to be friends with them when they stepped through the front door. I never thought that people could be as happy and cheerful as they were each time they came to my home. I’m glad I met them.

Both were transferred on July 15. They visited me one last time on that day. I became excited when they told me I would be receiving a year’s subscription to the New Era, a gift from them to me. I was touched.

Now to the point. The New Era is wonderful! It keeps me up to date on the Church since I’m not allowed to attend services. Please keep up the fantastic work so that my faith can stand strong.

Lee Gibson
Dexter, Missouri

So much more

I just had to write and tell you how much I enjoy reading the New Era each month. The story “Don’t Paint Me In” (November issue) really warmed my heart. Now when our ward does service projects, we take time out to really get to know the sweet people. They enjoy our help so much more, and we find it a more rewarding experience.

Brenda McDonald
Rupert, Idaho

There had to be something more

My family and I have been members of the Church since I was four years old, and it wasn’t until I was 17 that I discovered the New Era. I saw a few issues before that, but never sat down to read them. I had the mistaken impression that they weren’t very exciting. As seminary class president, I worked closely with my seminary teacher, Sister Reynolds, and found that she read the New Era from cover to cover every month. She was such a fantastic lady that knew there had to be something more to the New Era than I first thought, so I subscribed. I now read the New Era from cover to cover every month, and I enjoy it more than I can express! Thank you, Sister Reynolds, for helping me discover all the wonderful things in the New Era, and thank you, New Era, for being such an uplifting magazine!

Kim Gardner
Indianapolis, Indiana

An army with banners

I want to thank you so much for a most spiritual and enjoyable March issue of New Era. I work at the Salt Lake Printing Center for the Church, so I get to read each issue before it is mailed. Each story had such a strong spirit to it that I couldn’t keep the tears back, especially the article “Walk in White” by Nan Drew. As I read and pondered this beautifully written article, I couldn’t help but think of these young ladies as beautiful daughters of God. The photographs portrayed an army of young ladies “as terrible as an army with banners.” As I read, I found myself humming the hymn “Behold a Royal Army.” Just as President Kimball’s article explained the importance of service to others, this article showed how the Young Women put his counsel into practice. Thank you for an article with so much spirit that it touched my very soul. And thanks to the young people who take the time to share their talents in writing, singing, and performing in order to share this wonderful gospel message.

Ralph G. Bryson
Salt Lake City, Utah
