“Contents,” New Era, Nov. 1981 New Era November 1981 Volume 11, Number 10 Contents Departments Feedback The Message: Keep Your Chin Strap FastenedElder James E. Faust Participatory Journalism: Does Kathy Let It Stop Her?Linda Mitchell Mormonad FYI: For Your Information Mormonisms Photo of the MonthSteve Heiner Feature Articles My Brother, the ExampleAnonymous The Luckiest Girl AroundAnn Edwards-Cannon In His Arms AgainAnna M. Bajerska A Feast for All the WorldRichard M. Romney NeighborsMelvin Leavitt Perennial Radiance: Jean Sabin GrobergArdeth G. Kapp A Journal Called LucyKathleen Lubeck Please Forgive Me If I FailTheda Woodard Farnsworth Fiction Potawatomis and Broken GlassLaird Roberts Cover: Photo by Marilyn Péo