“Feedback,” New Era, Nov. 1981, 3
An excellent teaching aid
In the May 1981 issue of the New Era, there was an excellent article on missionary work by President Kimball. I’ve used it in many teaching situations with the youth of my stake. I’ve also photocopied it and used it in leadership sessions with the high council and bishops.
James McCammon
President of the Louisville Kentucky Stake
Davis on adobe
I just read “Transition in Pioneer Arizona” in the July New Era and would like to comment on the making of adobe. The straw or grass is put in the bricks to bind them together so that they won’t fall apart after they dry. For the best adobe, soil with clay in it is best, but most heavy soil will do. Many of the houses in Mexico are adobe and are finished with stucco outside and plaster on the inside. They are warm in the winter and cool in the summer.
Vernon Davis
Casper, Wyoming
The opportunity to share
I just wanted to express my thanks to the New Era for printing my conversion story in “Scout Camp and Two Missionaries Named Elder” in the May 1980 issue. I really love the New Era. It is just excellent! I’ve been out in the mission field since October of 1980, and I am beginning to have the opportunity to share my testimony, just as I said I was looking forward to doing.
Elder David J. McDonough
New York New York City Mission
Among my favorites
I must express my thankfulness for the writing talent of Paul James Toscano. He is numbered among my favorites. In “My Transfer to Understanding” in the January-February issue of the New Era, I was especially touched by the statement “I know by the power of the Holy Ghost, a power more trustworthy than all our senses.” I too feel a great thankfulness for the witness to truth that the Holy Ghost is. I know with a surety, with every fiber of my being and all of my heart, that The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints teaches the true restored gospel. I am so aware of the blessings that our Lord wants to bless us with. Would that we would feel that love and be of service by sharing that message.
Sister Nancy Clays
Belgium Antwerp Mission
A special Christmas blessing
Upon receiving the December New Era, I became very interested in the young people on the cover. As I opened the back cover to see the entire scene, my eyes went immediately to the young man holding a garland of tinsel for the tree. He looks so much like our missionary son now serving in the Colorado Denver Mission. For a minute or two, it was as though I was standing in that room too, enjoying his sweet spirit.
Thank you for this special experience! You truly bridged the miles for me and brought a special Christmas blessing into my heart and life through this beautiful Christmas scene. I know that our son is exactly where Heavenly Father wants him to be. I’m proud of him and his dedication to the Lord as he serves in His vineyard.
The New Era articles and stories are always uplifting and testimony building. Thank you for an inspired magazine that blesses our youth and us parents, too!
Loretta Johnson
Placerville, California
You have saved my life!
You have done it again! You have saved my life! Whenever I feel sad or lonely, the New Era seems to come on the scene. And once I have started to read that great magazine, I can’t help but feel happy and glad to be alive. Somehow you must be reading my mind, because whenever I am troubled about something, the latest edition of the New Era puts me right and makes sure I stay on the right track. In the August 1980 New Era my heart was touched by the article entitled “Celestial Missionary.” If only everyone in the world could possess the same desire to serve the Lord that this young missionary possessed, what a beautiful place our world would become. Reading the article made me wonder if I could develop that same faith. Elder Tolman was truly a celestial missionary.
Nada C. Faisst
Wournambool, Victoria, Australia
I listen
The New Era has done it again. I really enjoyed the December issue with Jack Weyland’s story “The Field Is White.” Jack Weyland is a great storyteller. He continues to tell heartwarming stories. I was also grateful to President Kimball for his article on morality in the November issue and his article on journals in the December issue. When the prophet has something to say, I listen. While I am away from home in the military, the New Era helps me stay in touch with the Church.
Pvt. Henry McCain
Ft. Polk, Louisiana
I can’t wait
I’d just like to say how much I appreciate the New Era and how good its articles are. I just started reading it, and I never miss reading every issue cover to cover. I just finished reading “President Kimball Speaks Out on Profanity” in the January-February issue. It really answered a lot of questions I had. President Kimball’s article on morality in the November issue also cleared up a lot of misconceptions. All I can say now is, I can’t wait until next month!
Debbie Nixon
Provo, Utah
Worth waiting for
I’ve only been receiving the New Era since July of last year, but it feels as if I’ve been reading it a lifetime. It’s the best magazine I’ve ever encountered. I’m a strong believer in the Mormon faith. Unfortunately, I am not a Mormon at the present time, because my parents have asked me to postpone involvement with the Church until I am 18. But good things are worth waiting for, and I’ll wait until I’m 80 years old if I have to! The New Era is the only contact I’m allowed with the Church, so please keep them coming for two more years!
Lisa Raether
Greenfield, Wisconsin
The blindfold was lifted from my eyes when I read the article “Out of Darkness Came Light” in the June issue of the New Era. I realized that a child, younger than I, had a strong testimony of our Heavenly Father after his life was preserved from disaster in a coal mine. Like him, we all have a purpose in life. If we live righteously and follow the teachings of Christ, our mission in life is fulfilled. I hope and pray that we, as members of the Church, will soon receive the faith and testimony that this young man did in his time. Thanks for a wonderful magazine.
Randy L. Cox
Issaquah, Washington
I didn’t realize
I would like to thank you for publishing such a special magazine. I try to read at least two articles in it every month. Very often I find myself reading the whole book. I especially enjoyed the talks from the Young Women fireside in the July issue. I just entered the Young Women program in December, and I love it very much. I didn’t realize how important the program really is until this issue. The New Era has really strengthened my testimony. Thanks again for this great magazine.
Stacy Baker
Holbrook, Idaho