undefined undefined Feedback
December 1981

“Feedback,” New Era, Dec. 1981, 3


I’m proud

Thanks, New Era, for the fantastic story “Private Battle” in the July magazine. After reading the story, I felt a strong feeling that I must stick up for what I believe in. I’m a Mormon and I’m proud of it! I’ll shout it from a mountaintop and let the whole world know how much I love the Church.

Gail Buckley
Rodeo, California

A friend who cares

Not long ago I felt alone and afraid. I always had to be different from my friends. I was the only one who didn’t smoke, drink, or use vulgar language. Therefore, I felt as if I were in a world all by myself, struggling to be the best person I could possibly be. Every time my mother asked, “Did you read this month’s New Era?” I would skim through the pages and look at the pictures and answer, “Yes.” It wasn’t until recently that I actually read the New Era from cover to cover, and what a blessing it has been for me! The New Era contains such beautiful, touching stories that enrich and uplift my life so much. The magazine to me is a friend who cares and is on my side, helping me to reach my goal—perfection—so that someday I may return and live with my Father in Heaven.

Marla Plant
Richmond, California

What an Uplift

What an uplift President Kimball’s August message on testimony was to me. I have been a member of the Church all my life but never have I enjoyed such an upliftment. I have spent the whole summer in the hospital, so I have not been able to attend my meetings like I always do. The meeting I have missed the most is testimony meeting. This meeting seems to do me the most good. I grow so much from others’ testimonies. However, as I lay in my bed one day, I had a strong urge to bear my testimony. I felt a strong feeling that my Heavenly Father was with me, so I poured out my heart to him. I shared my testimony with my best friend. I lay there and cried because I knew that my testimony had been heard. It needed to be shared, and my Heavenly Father knew it.

I am still in the hospital, but I know God lives and I know that we have living prophets guiding us today. The gospel is so marvelous, and this is a wonderful time to live. I have felt lonely at times in this hospital room, but I have learned many lessons, and the Lord has always been with me.

The power of the priesthood has also been an uplift in my life. My dad and my brother have brought the sacrament to me with my bishop’s approval.

The gospel is marvelous and has been such an inspiration in my life. Thank you, President Kimball, for your most beautiful article. It was one I needed right now in my life.

Jo Hendricks
Apple Valley, California

The time is now!

Thank you for a truly inspiring magazine. I used to just thumb through it, but the past few years I have been reading it. I realized it was there for me, and that I needed it. I have even gone back and read the ones from years past. There’s really a lot in there for a person if he will just take the time to sit and read it. I now read it all the way through, and then I can hardly wait until the next issue comes out. The articles have really helped me in my day-to-day life. It’s also nice to hear about the Saints in other parts of the world. I especially enjoyed the article “Who Was Maggie Mahoney?” in the September issue. When I was in high school, I went through many of the same experiences as Maggie Mahoney. The other students didn’t take time to look beyond outward appearances to find out who I was. We never know when it will be too late to get to know someone who is a little different or shy. The time for things to happen is now! They are our brothers and sisters, and too often we don’t even know them. Thanks for an inspiring magazine. It’s great.

Mary Lou Cowley
Byron, Wyoming

Spiritual batteries

As a British serviceman in the Unna Branch, Dortmund Germany Stake, I want to thank the New Era staff for a wonderful magazine. As I’m the only Mormon on my station, I gain much pleasure in reading these excellent articles in both the New Era and the Ensign. These magazines never fail to charge up my spiritual batteries, enabling me to live through the next month the way I know I should. They also prove to be excellent missionary aids.

Having been in the military and away from the security and reassurance of my parents for three and a half years now, I appreciate all the things that they kept on impressing on my mind as a young man. The Church is true, and I’m proud to be a member of it. I would especially like to thank Kathleen Lubeck and Kevin Kennedy for their articles in the July New Era. “Standing Guard” was a very informative article that helped me open my eyes to many missionary opportunities in military service. “Private Battle” was also an excellent story of how one young man grasped the opportunities that arose to speak up about his faith and the everlasting gospel.

Colin Mackay
Fourth Squadron, 22 Signal Regiment Lippstadt
Federal Republic of Germany (West Germany)


It’s been a great week. My spirit is soaring!

Elder John R. Lauritzen
Florida Tallahassee Mission

Many lonely people

Thank you for a truly fantastic magazine. I was much impressed by the August contest issue. The poems and stories were so beautiful. I especially want to thank Paul H. Stout for the article “The Story of Hans.” It reminded me there are many lonely people out there who need love and the gospel. Thank you again for this helpful magazine.

April Megargel
Eugene, Oregon

They are so right!

The New Era is great! It really helps me to round off that which I missed when I wasn’t yet a member of the Church. I’ve been a member for three years now, but I ordered the New Era for myself this last year after hearing that the missionaries love to read it. They are so right! It’s like having a library at your fingertips.

Huntington Station, New York