March 1982

“Feedback,” New Era, Mar. 1982, 3


Crepe paper flowers and black boxes

I want to say a hearty thank-you for the New Era. Since my baptism last March, it has been a source of strength and inspiration and has helped me over many rough spots. I especially enjoyed Jack Weyland’s story “The Quiet War” in the October issue. I, too, have battled with “black boxes,” but with Heavenly Father’s help, I’ve been able to overcome them with “crepe paper flowers.” Temptation can be pretty tough, especially for members of the true church. Again, thanks for a heaven-sent magazine. I really do believe it is given to us with help from celestial sources.

Ruth Covington
Jacksonville, Arkansas


As an older Church member, I still get much enjoyment from reading the New Era. Its stories and messages are useful in home teaching families with young adults, and even we older members can learn from it. I greatly enjoyed the article “Taking Note” in the June 1981 issue. I use the footnotes in my LDS edition of the Bible constantly and appreciate the efforts of the author in giving us these guidelines for using them. As I am interested in the Joseph Smith Translation, I had already marked many of the JST footnotes through Jeremiah. I was grateful for the location list as it helped me find some entries I had missed and made it much easier to finish marking the JST footnotes in the Old Testament. I’m looking forward to doing the New Testament. I did find that the list missed Jeremiah 26:6 on page 977. Thank you for such a wonderful magazine. I pray that it may always be an inspiration for both young and old and build the faith of all who may read it.

Richard Stanley
Buchanan, Georgia

Standing guard

I would like to thank you for the New Era. I thought “Standing Guard” and “Private Battle” in the July issue were good. The things in them are true. The navy has made me stronger in the Church. I find that a lot of people are watching me just because of the way I live. They tease me a lot, but they also respect me. The navy has shown me how I need the Church, and it has brought me closer to my mom and dad. I just wish I had learned more about the Church as I was growing up. Everyone keeps asking questions.

Rex Baldwin
USS Dixon
San Diego, California

Outside only inside

We of the postal system would like to thank you for all the helpful and correct information contained in “That’s How the Cookie Doesn’t Crumble” in the October New Era. It will help patrons to prepare their packages for mailing. There was one mistake that needs to be corrected. The author said that a note could be placed on the outside of the package. That can only be done in the United States. Nothing going out of the country can have notes or letters on the outside.

M. M. Taylor
Provo, Utah

Missionary work is fun!

Missionary work is fun! It is such a good feeling when someone is interested in the gospel. Making a good impression is very important. One way I do it is by tearing out Mormonads from old New Eras and hanging them in my locker. Also, in English we must have old magazines to clip up, and I use the New Era. Many people already know I’m LDS. Many are asking questions, and I am sure they have a good impression. Thanks for the inspiring magazine.

Denise Jenkins
Anchorage, Alaska

From the great Australian outback

I am an 18-year-old member living in a small coal-mining town in the “great Australian outback.” Leigh Creek is a five-hour drive from the nearest branch of the Church and ten hours from the nearest stake center. We are a group of three part-member families (17 members in all). We hold meetings in the school, where my dad (who is the only Melchizedek Priesthood holder) presides over and conducts the meetings. My 15-year-old brother passes the sacrament. My mother teaches the Young Women, and I teach Primary. Our aim here in Leigh Creek is to set up a branch of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. We have no missionaries to help us.

It’s a real blessing when each issue of the New Era finally arrives. Being so isolated from other members, we tend sometimes to feel a bit spiritually down. The New Era not only lifts me up, but also strengthens my testimony of this wonderful church.

Lyn Roson
Leigh Creek, South Australia
